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Everything posted by Jaleno

  1. Jaleno

    Currant server system.

    I think the main issue here is that the amount of data the HIVE would have to store would now be 100x larger assuming people frequent other servers. I'm not saying it can't be done, but the number of characters that would have to be stored would be many. I don't agree with new characters for each server, however. Instead maybe if only the POSITION was different for every server. This would get rid of the massive amount of data needed to be stored, AND allow cross-server play.
  2. Pro tip: Don't try to connect until the servers are fixed, or you could end up in debug plains, 30km away from the map :/ Also joining a fixed server after spawning in debug, will spawn you in the same place.
  3. Haven't heard any recent news, it was supposed to come out yesterday I believe.. Can anyone link any of Rocket's recent posts concerning 1.7.2?
  4. Could not disagree more, snipers are part of the game. If you are going into a high density area, scout the obvious spots around it. It only takes a minute and chances are you'll find someone and get some legit gear.. Disconnecting on the other hand is pathetic. Cannot wait for the logout timer to be put in place. There is nothing wrong with disconnecting after the timer however.
  5. Jaleno

    FAL NV ammo question

    fal ammo is specific to the fal, crash sites my friend, crash sites..
  6. Jaleno

    Tent city levelled.

    How do you even know they didn't jack your shit before hand? I steal tons of crap from tents and then procede to blow them up..
  7. Jaleno

    Need Morphine

    5 sticks of morphine spawn in medical crates, which about 5 spawn per hospital. Try to get a friend to hook you up, I know the feeling of crawling for miles, believe me :/
  8. uh... They work pretty damn well at the moment, try spamming pitch tent, always does the trick for me..
  9. Great! I'd also love to see a suggestion poll as well in the future :D
  10. Jaleno

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    The quality of suggestions is going way the fuck down. I agree 100%. Before there were actual BENEFICIAL suggestions, not optional pvp settings and bandit skins being brought back.. The real problem is that these fucking threads make quality suggestions receive much lower traffic.
  11. It is bannable. And how do you expect anyone to do anything without a name :/
  12. Jaleno


    They ONLY work with DMR. Source: tried it on every one :/
  13. Jaleno

    NVG's an GPS

    Farming a barracks found 2. Killing players? 10+
  14. Jaleno

    L85A2 AWS - Legit?

    One model of it for sure is, I'd keep it. Edit: ninjad :D, i guess it's not legit..
  15. Jaleno

    Rocket doesnt sleep

    Love your dedication rocket! I really hope you get a luxurious bonus for DayZ, actually fuck that, a shit ton of money for your genius.. I hope these all nighters don't have to continue and you can work on the game more enjoyably soon! Love you to death, Jaleno.
  16. I feel your pain, ignore all the assholes above. It sucks yes, but unfortunately this IS an alpha so we have to deal with it :/ Think of it as a new opportunity to live a different life :D One way I've managed to avoid the hacker deaths, is to not join 50/50 player servers. Try to look for a 30/50 max...
  17. Jaleno

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    In the words of others that have said this before, "go eat a dick".
  18. I agree with you somewhat, people are killing many more people from afar and without remorse. However, you must realize too that when someone doesn't respond on direct, you've done your part.. It pretty much spells out bandit when they do not respond to multiple direct comms.. Other times, people are simply surprise my group and we can't chance that they're friendly, unfortunately. When you are looting the barracks and 2 guys bolt past my friend watching me and burst through the door, I really don't have time to ask if they're friendly :/
  19. Playing with friends is a must in DayZ. The problem is that when people get better loot, they become more paranoid as they have spent time gathering it. Which ultimately is why the shoot first policy is in place at the moment.
  20. What the fuck ^ commas bro.. Commas.. There are more than one way to dupe, nuff said :/
  21. Server this happened on: Seattle 13 Time that it happened including your timezone: 10:00 PM PST What happened during the incident: Heard weird sounding shots above elektro, saw player LeonTalon with a sniper/battle rifle with a massive scope. Went up behind him, put a full clip into his head. No blood started pouring and he began running around in a circle shooting me.
  22. Jaleno

    where do our vehicles go?

    Choppers, they have radar :/ There is also apparently a new hack that labels people and vehicle locations on the map :/
  23. We have absolutely no right to be mad if they were making a standalone game.. In fact we should be happy and support them!