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About wizardO3

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    On the Coast

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  1. wizardO3

    Console bugs/issues

    I agree, the aiming settings is junk.....make PUBG look like a pro game from a triple A studio, comparatively.
  2. been doing good on my end, but admittedly I run an external SSD on my xbox x, so I have a bit of an advantage going on.
  3. wizardO3

    Dupeing xbox 1.11

    they erected fences in an area so that anyone that spawns in is trapped inside. They had about 30 fences, two full watch towers, and a truck in the middle. I unno what else they had, but the only option was to jump servers.
  4. wizardO3

    Dupeing xbox 1.11

    Got on and was hoping to get going after the wipe and immediately was grieved with a spawn trap. It was big enough to park 10 trucks in. After dealing with that I then encountered 6 guys with KAM's, all had normal silencers. Last but not least, I got hit up by some rando who offered to dupe any good guns I come accross and was willing to give me 1000 nails in exchange for it. "We gonna fix the problem, by not actually fixing the problem" WTF?