Johnny Georgopoulos
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Everything posted by Johnny Georgopoulos
Listen guys, I know you work for Bohemia and I know there's weapon experts there you can consult with while doing changes, because you know D well that automatic/select fire rifles do not react this "new" way when firing in full auto. This new recoil is utterly disgusting and completely unrealistic.... the M4, AK, Famas ECT are acting/recoiling worse than even a full auto Glock 18C without a brace.... seriously, stop making our game LESS realistic, this is crazy. Go fire an M4 at a human sized target from 50m and come back and tell me you couldn't just hold it against your shoulder and get all 30+ rounds within center mass without issue. Another note, I just watched WOBO's latest 1.24 video (hence) after knowing about the projectile surface collision sound removal, while it's nice that zombles won't react to the sound of the firearm suppressed, the sound of a projectile hitting a surface, even a dirt mound, is going to make a noticeable sound.... and my first thought was "are players still going to be able to hear a missed, suppressed shot taken at them when the missed projectile hits a surface next to them?".... I really hope you haven't COMPLETELY removed the sound... again, we love DayZ because it's always tried to be as realistic as possible within means, and now it really seems like you guys are trying to make it more and more, unrealistic. And don't get me started on those new tree collision boxes....did you guys test this before releasing?? Because you can literally get a projectile ricochet now in 1.24 by hitting a damn leaf 🙄 since when are leaves harder than concrete? Bring back our missing and promised stuff please and leave the "fine" stuff alone, I'd rather have our old promised helicopter and boats and plane before you adding in extra unrealistic recoil and metal tree leafs. Thx
Experimental Update 1.24 (Change Log)
Johnny Georgopoulos replied to Kyiara's topic in PC Experimental Updates
It's actually an SR-3M, and it takes it's own specific suppressor that looks extremely similar to the integral suppressor of the AS VAL and VSS, but reading through the patch notes it seems once again, the devs have forgotten to add it's suppressor, just like they removed the bipod from the M14 DMR and never included it's specific optic because of laziness.... just like we still haven't gotten a massive majority of our still missing legacy and promised weaponry or our leather crafting and leather clothing and dyeing....oh hey devs, while you're jumping on the above mentioned, don't forget the folding buttstocks (the SR-3M has one as well, don't even animate it, just make it fold and take up less space in inventory with a key press or something) or the speed loaders, moon clip, and stripper clips we still haven't gotten back. On a side note, add some snow to the north of Chernarus Plus, at least some snow patches on the ground, and don't forget that promise of adding Utes Island off the southern coast of Skalisty Island like you previously told us you "did".... thanks. Edit: I forgot about the wrap mention, hey devs, where's our still missing burlap and burlap and grass rifle wraps at?? I absolutely adore the burlap rifle wraps, the ghillie wrap looks terrible, please return the missing wraps while you're playing with new sounds and trimming bushes thx. -
This, along with last year, have been especially slow in comparison to what Rust and Scum devs have added to their games. After reading the "2023 in review", and seeing a couple key places words, I'm really hoping you guys get around to adding to, or completely updating Base Building....if you look at what the above mentioned survival games have, your competition, you'd see our current 2 individual piece "base building" selection, is terrible. To map additions, why hasn't Utes Island been added to the south sea miles off the southern coast of Skalisty Island like promised yet? Would be a great spot for a (promised) helicopter or plane to spawn. Would also be a nice way to try to get out to Utes Island by a newly added (promised) boat. It would also be nice, to extend the northern region of the Chernarus Plus map, to include the Black Mountain Range along with snow from the Biathlon Arena all the way to Berezhki and above, with a frozen biome up there...if a single guy can create a custom separate biome (Benni for Deerisle), I know you guys can. Now besides the 20+ still missing weapons (firearm, melee, bow, and non-lethal) and still missing S1023 minivan, Multicar, Bus, Tractor, Dirt Bike and Enduro, Command and Uncovered Stake Body V3S/M3S.... we're still missing those promised helicopters and boats (and plane)....if Nightwolf can have Arma 3 flying quality in DayZ SA, and RedFalcon can have fantastic performing boats.... I don't understand why you guys still haven't held up to your previous promises to return them....they, those modded vehicles, work better than your vanilla cars. To a much speculated DLC map.... I'd highly suggest a Tanoa port, along with our boats and helicopters of course. Ok, rant over.
Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)
Johnny Georgopoulos replied to Kyiara's topic in PC Experimental Updates
To this Halloween update just dropped like always, I dig that new goat... and I always dig that nighttime fog, but a few things that could improve them. That special black goat with his glowing eyes should give chase to players, he doesn't need to attack....but that red gas....he could fart it out like miniature gas attacks, like a 5ft diameter red gas attack that dissipates really quickly, similar to when you kill him, he should fart a red poisonous cloud, you wait, skin him, and instead of regular raw steaks, he should give you baked steaks. Come on guys, think occasionally. Another thing, the fog....do you not remember DayZ Mod and DayZ Origins Mod? We used to have fog that rolled in at night and stay low to the ground, super atmospheric and creepy....Arma 3 Survival Mod (A3S, a better recreation of DayZ Mod) did it the best.... the fog rolls in at night, but stays close to the low lying ground and inside valleys, you can visibly see it rolling down the valleys.... it's super sick and looks fantastic....why is this feature not in DayZ SA permanently? Do you guys really need someone to come up with simple ideas for great additions to make this game better? I'm free (time), and I'm cheap. Side note, your brooms aren't igniting on fire like usual either, so you might want to look into that and my above. -
Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)
Johnny Georgopoulos replied to Kyiara's topic in PC Experimental Updates
I agree with you on the rice not cooking and base building being absolute garbage and unchanged since it was implemented many years ago (yay fence, that can't be placed anywhere and watchtower, such base building 🙄), but I disagree on the weaponry, we're still missing over 20 individual weapons that were either here before renderer swap, or shown and promised to be added. You're in a war torn country with many military installments, have been for over a decade, there should be more, not less, your concern over it being "military over survival" has already been addressed with them removing what we had in DayZ Mod, firearms spawning fully kitted with magazines in the same spot, fully loaded to, bare firearm, usually no accessories, never a magazine to fit. They should be returning all missing weapons (firearms, melee, and non-lethal) still gone, they should be addressing Base Building to at least bring up to par with their competition (Rust and Scum specifically, obviously with a "DayZ-esq look and method), and they should be addressing missing survival mechanics and "end game" features and content to improve the game other than just playing with sounds and melee damage that's been here and accustomed to for years... Lastly, they do a MAX of 4 individual updates a year now because of laziness and many vacations (while Rust and Scum get at least monthly), out of those 4, 3 are "bug fixing and stability" focused, pushing never coming content and missing features to the back burner constantly, so IDK what you're talking about. No base building, no air or sea vehicles (we used to, competition does), tons of missing weapons, no end game content (Livonia has AT LEAST a bunker, Chernarus still doesn't even have Utes Island Military Compound like we were TOLD was added and would be in "the next patch" many years ago).... I don't know what in the world they're doing when it comes to giving us a better fleshed out game besides "loot, fight, die, repeat", but they sure do try to fix bugs and add different audio. -
Yes, we've all known that since the day each one was hired, I'm specifically talking about turning some of the work over, similar to what BI did with A3, handing it over to outside teams to add in the stuff missing, because clearly, even though we all have similar sized dev teams, Rust and Scum, the competition, are receiving content that we either had and don't anymore, or were promised (and shown)and years later, still haven't seen. Seems a logical solution to me....or, hire someone to remind them what they were supposed to be accomplishing.
Too much Arma confusing the bipod models and the years it's been missing from SA, excuse my slip. They could easily add the bipods, key to deploy it, just as in Arma 3 and Reforger and Mod. No speed loaders, no bipods, still haven't returned leather crafting and leather clothing, still no base building besides a fence, no birds, boats, or planes(even though they behave better than wheeled), still missing over 20 individual weapons from pre-renderer swap, and those shown to us and promised to be added "by time stable arrives". But they have time for sound changes that people have been used to for damn near a decade, changing melee and blade damage that again, were literally fine for forever.... seriously, "DayZ" has been the Pinnacle for over a decade, with less than it had in the last DayZ Mod update (let alone DayZ Epoch, Origins, Overwatch ECT), but they really do nothing to add QoL additions, no end game content, no promises kept.... remember turning out of vehicles? Trees falling from vehicle strikes? Chainsaw to tree to log to V3S to the lumber mill strictly to prepare planks? Remember "at least parity with Mod".....Rust and Scum, literal copies of DayZ in the beginning, are getting update after update of great content, hell, stuff we once had and were promised to return.... helicopters, planes, great base building, end game "missions" and stuff to stay occupied, electrical, irrigation, horticulture systems that make the tiny little stuff DayZ has look like a complete joke.... I mean, we don't even have Humanity anymore.... it's gear up, realize there's nothing left to do once there, kill, die, repeat. What ever happened to even fixing the completely broken "soft skills"?? We all know it's worthless, but it's completely broken AND worthless. Do they really need someone to remind them what we were supposed to have? What the competition has? They hired people for DayZ specifically, got an influx of Chinese money, got our money.... and we get a new can opening sound, and old gun without it's bipod or suppressor (great gun, nostalgic), and a hat.... yippee 🙄
Where's the Harris bipod that literally is supposed to come with the M14 DMR? You have a model of it, it's in the files, why isn't it on the rifle or at least, able to be fitted to the rifle?
Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)
Johnny Georgopoulos replied to Tom_48_97's topic in PC Experimental Updates
I'm literally sick of DayZ/BI refusing to address vehicles, simple improvement would be returning them to client side like with Arma, also Headless Clients wouldn't hurt ANYTHING, only improve, but let's just remove berries and make car batteries deplete without working alternators, even though there was already a mod that had that AND working alternators. Genius.