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Everything posted by UmSkii

  1. We would like your opnion on our new server. Infamous is a clan which has a 50 man server. We previously had it full but not whitelisted and a hacker destroyed the community we had built. Since then we have created a new server with new anti hack tools and new additions to the game, to list a few of these would be : pvp castle, custom map, AI island with high military loot for those that can conquer it! you are able to remove 100% vehicle parts, take clothing from players, check bodies to see how recently they have been killed and many more additions to the game. We have friendly admins and a website which is http://www.infamousdayz.net Please check out our website for more information to see if this a server that you would like to play on. We would appreciate your feed back, to come and trial it, then let us know what works and what dosen't work. We want to build the community we had before. Please come and visit our server or search for "Infamous" on DayZ commander. We look forward to your feed back! Server IP: TeamSpeak: ts63.gameservers.com:9330
  2. Hello fellow survivors, heroes, and bandits. I am currently in a group called "Infamous" and we own an awsome hack free server. we have implemented cool bases and vehicles into chenarus, including Admin Castle and Heroes Base, We would highly appreciate it if you and the community try our new awsome server and give feedback on it please, Thanks !! Server IP:
  3. UmSkii

    Infamous DayZ

    umm because im suggesting the server to you and others..?
  4. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  5. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  6. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  7. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  8. UmSkii

    Open spots in our squad/clan!

    \n BTW dont google UmsKII..google my actual name, Nick McTall
  9. UmSkii

    Open spots in our squad/clan!

    for Gunz: the duel, hacked on QUEST..lol but okay
  10. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  11. UmSkii

    Open spots in our squad/clan!

    nigguh wut da fuck get off my dick alright aint nobody a hacker if you aint interested then fuck off your dismissed kid, dueces
  12. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  13. We currently have open positions for our squad/clan, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  14. We currently have open positions open for our squad, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  15. We currently have open positions open for our squad, we are working on a HUUGE project..not telling..we have player owned server..if you're interested just contact me on skype: TheUmSkii and we could get to know eachother more and see if your fit for our elite squad..Good luck survivors
  16. UmSkii

    Would This Computer Run DayZ Smoothly

    no doubt yur shit can run Arma 2...lol
  17. What up DayZ survivors, Don't judge me but i had a dream of having a hardcore DayZ squad that always played and was on top of their game..I'm talking about players making bases, defending that base, guard post, patrols around base, scavangers, bandits, hardcore players! now..i have ALL the equipment we need to do this except one thing! trustworthy players that i can respect! keep in mind that i have been playing by myself for about 3 weeks now and i have a secret stash thats been UNTOUCHED..for 3 weeks..i will need to know for a fact that i can trust these players..also, i'm the type of person that like to have fun now n then and not play seriously all the time, so joking around and going on wild goose chases with other unknown players is a hobby..for more information, please send a message in my inbox or simple contact me on skype: TheUmSkii. good luck survivors
  18. UmSkii

    Hardcore DayZ

    wut da fuuck r u talkin bout
  19. What up DayZ survivors, Don't judge me but i had a dream of having a hardcore DayZ squad that always played and was on top of their game..I'm talking about players making bases, defending that base, guard post, patrols around base, scavangers, bandits, hardcore players! now..i have ALL the equipment we need to do this except one thing! trustworthy players that i can respect! keep in mind that i have been playing by myself for about 3 weeks now and i have a secret stash thats been UNTOUCHED..for 3 weeks..i will need to know for a fact that i can trust these players..also, i'm the type of person that like to have fun now n then and not play seriously all the time, so joking around and going on wild goose chases with other unknown players is a hobby..for more information, please send a message in my inbox or simple contact me on skype: TheUmSkii. good luck survivors
  20. Just curious, If this mod DOES become a stand a lone game does that mean that everyone who payed for arma 2 just to play DayZ have to pay again?? Before yall people start assuming shit talking about i'm complaining about buying this game AGAIN or i'm a COD fan just because of my picture that i so happen to like, fuck off..your comments are not needed..because you're wrong. i asked a simple question, and i got the asnwer..thanks n good bye
  21. UmSkii

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    where the fuck are you coming from? wasn't nobody in this thread bitching and moaning about paying for the game AGAIN so ur dismissed, bye
  22. UmSkii

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    stop assuming shiit because first of all, just because i have a picture of black ops doesnt mean i like COD, i like the picture..second of all i never said i bought arma 2 just for DayZ i was just using it as in example..so get real kid ur comments are unnecessary
  23. So i connected to a server (not giving it out) the other day and spawned (from the last time i was online) near NW airfield...i saw a Urban Truck parked in the middle of the strip and i went to go look in it and it was FULL of 2 of EVERY sniper rifle and assault rifles, also a hella lot of ammo for each one..and tools and equipment aswell..so i had a HUGE smile on my face and drove the truck really far into the woods for just ME TO HAVE...i was curious..is this normal for a truck full of stuff like this is spawn there? like a .001% chance or something ??? lol
  24. UmSkii

    Military Urban Truck??????

    i might have gotten the name of the truck wrong that is noot it lmao