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About h0m3br3w55

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    On the Coast
  1. The Steam forum has several similar reports. Sometimes it's whole squads that get kicked at the same time. That most likely spells server side rather than client side. I've had it happen to me but it was a community server. And a wolf pack was attacking. Don't want to find out what happens if I'm driving......
  2. h0m3br3w55

    Dayz launcher servers

    I had a similar issue with an overseas server. Since I had the server name I looked it up on Battlemetrics to get the ip address. I then input that into the Direct Connect option on the official launcher. The server was modded and I didn't have the mods and was kicked. After that I was able to then find it in the Recent tab on the official launcher and select it, load the mods and away I went.