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About everesces

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. everesces


    The rules said it was optional to give screenshots and videos. I'm just naming them for the admins to possibly do nothing anyway. Maybe they can see if they used scripts or something.
  2. everesces


    Kira the sin * Server this happened on. US 1014 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 6:50pm GMT +10 * What happened during the incident. hit him 5 times at 500m away with nato rounds, then he teleports ontop of me. =NSUG=NAGA * Server this happened on. US #00 Multi-play (i think its something close to that) * Time that it happened including your timezone. Unsure, night time. GMT +10 * What happened during the incident. Had a soldier uniform in his backpack, possibly just picked it up..but only cheaters can spawn it so who knows.
  3. Hi Rocket, this might get asked a lot..but is a fix coming for spawning in the ocean/wilderness/desert? It's heartbreaking playing for so long only to spawn in one of these places, with all your items in the bottom of the ocean. Or for now, is there some way to reduce these occurrences? its happened mostly from servers crashing and going to join another. Thanks.