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Everything posted by Bernd1986

  1. Bernd1986

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Everything can be shot through. But what cannot be done without cheats is hitting the head with the first shot through a door or a wall.
  2. Bernd1986


    I'm learning how to set up my own standalone server and discovered the parameter -limitFPS= and tried to use it, but something is wrong. When i dont use it, my server averages at 20 000 fps with no players and uses about 16-17% CPU. But when i use -limitFPS= parameter my server only gets 65 fps with no players and uses 0% CPU and when players join it starts saying that it is struggling to place items and "performance reduced" or something like that. This happens regardless of what value i put after the =, i've tried -limitFPS=1000, -limitFPS=3000, -limitFPS=7000, -limitFPS=25000 - same results, around 65 fps. Ideally i would like to be somewhere in the middle between 20k fps and 16% CPU usage and 65fps and 0% CPU usage when server is idling without players.
  3. Bernd1986


    Ok so it seems that the fps limiter can only limit fps to no more than 200 or lower. i tried it with 200 value - still got 60fps on an empty server where without fps limit i would get 17000. Maybe i use wrong syntax? i cannot find syntax info for that command anywhere, i just use it like -limitFPS=200 dont know if thats how its supposed to be or not.
  4. Bernd1986

    4 hour server restart Message.xml

    I have found that the server actually restarts not at the exact time that you put into messages.xml but approximately that time plus 8-10%.so if you want your server to shut down after Y minutes you need to solve the equation X+(8-10% of X)=Y and put X in the messages.xml file. After you calculate the equation you should test it in real life, only after real life testing and seeing after how many minutes the server will actually shut down can you confirm your number and finalize the setting.