Hi there, I have some questions; I've searched the forum but did not fight something comparable. We are playing with up to 4 friends together in general. Since we have recognized a strange behavior. DayZ is generally running smooth with high FPS and good ping for all of us. We observed the following phenomenon on several serves now: We are playing and after a while we see each other stuck anywhere running/crouching at a place without moving. Interesting is that this is the case for all of us so everybody sees everybody else in this state. But each of us can play, hunt Zs, kill them etc. Zs are also moving like there is no issue for each of us. If I wouldn't have played with my friends, I would even not recognize that there is an issue. This problem occurs irregularly without a clear root cause. It last between 30 seconds and some minutes. After that I get short time a read chain (sign for bad connection) and than everything is ok again, but we have to find each other due to the fact that we did not see the movement of each other for a while. Also we tried to pick up some equip out of the bag packs of each other during that state. During this situation we can look into the bag of each other and the moved equip will appear in our bag after the situation has become normal again. Do anyone knows, what is the reason for this event? Greetings Xerxio