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Everything posted by Crankgorilla

  1. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    No food in any of the buildings. No fruit, no point in getting chicken unless there a knife and can make a fire. Got rained on. Whipped out my glowstick and went raving with a zombie. It didn't end well.
  2. I'll take your tips on board. Last time I tried sticking to the coast I starved to death with a fishing rod in my hand and no shovel to get worms. They need shellfish, like clams or mussels to scavenge. They need to model some proper fruit trees. That was confusing. Sometimes there Is no food at all. It has been picked clean. Sometimes I get spawned in a forest and there's nothing. Just death. I'm beginning to love to hate this game.
  3. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    That virus thing is bullshit. Had equipment and food, started vomiting, discovered one has to wash hands. Then died. Lost everything. The chances of finding a cure was next to zero. I don't even know what this game has as a cure. Antibiotics? I had some multi-vitamins, that didn't work. Between juggling the bullshit food meter and catching a cold three times a day, this game is not hard, it's just bullshit. Fix it. I have high hopes for the sequel.
  4. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    Omg, my character is sick again from magical disease carrying raindrops. Just dumb. They have confused hyperthermia with a virus. Go read some biology books. You don't get a virus from being wet.
  5. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    If they are going to make rain such a big deal, put some umbrellas in. Some rain coats. Something. Being stuck in a house because of some water is stupid. Also, it's stupid you can die of dehydration while water is falling from the sky.
  6. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    You're an idiot. Shut up. Go get a life and don't be snide you turd. It's not hard at all. It's crap. It has potential but the X-box version is barely functional. I haven't even begun to pick the full flaws of this game. If you think this is great, you got no idea what you're talking about. It's more tedious. A lot of the actions are not worth the effort.
  7. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    Food is too much of an issue. Have these characters got some kind of disorder? Severe diabetes? They starve to death and collapse within a day. It's not realistic, don't try to convince people it is. I like the idea of a difficult survival game but this still needs a lot of work.
  8. Crankgorilla

    Initial Reaction

    Still at it. Lucky it doesn't take a lot of drive space or I would uninstall it. It's like something from 2005.
  9. There's no food, no nothing. No animals no trees no fruit. NOTHING. The hunger meter has you starve in a few hours game time. It's RUBBISH.
  10. Crankgorilla

    True Survival?

    It's not real because the food meter is ridiculous. I got to eat after crossing a paddock and go from fed to dead within hours in game time. The same day. What's up with that? This game needs to be rebalanced entirely. The health meters are way off. Also, hyperthermia is not a virus, like a cold. You don't get a cold by being wet. Omg this game is a mess....