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About Crankgorilla

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Crankgorilla

    DayZ is a tech demo not a game

    What other game is quite like it? Nothing I've seen. I don't want structure, I want chaos. Sometimes it's quiet in Chernarus. Sometimes you end up dead. It's when you let your guard down it happens.
  2. Crankgorilla

    Update 1.26 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Downloaded the DayZ Experimental server from the Xbox storefront. I'm living it already, 1.26 and they have Sydney servers.
  3. Crankgorilla

    Update 1.26 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Can we get a straight answer on when this is coming out? I normally am not too concerned but since this one is doing a wipe, I feel I can't play the game until this is out. If I spend a weekend doing my thing and building a base, then it gets wiped on Monday - I just wasted my time. I want to play DayZ today, but what if the wipe is tomorrow? I don't see a date and your forum is twerking about something from May.
  4. Crankgorilla


    (cancel that wrong forum)
  5. Crankgorilla

    Servers AP SY marked "temporary"

    I probably should have mentioned I'm on Xbox, but I didn't want to be sneered at by the computer bros. Region as Asia. I'm just fishing for information here, not sure if anyone knows what is up with these servers. There are no "stable" servers running out of Sydney, just these supposedly temporary ones. I'm not going to set up base if for some reason these are wiped after every reset, or whatever is going on with them.
  6. Crankgorilla

    Servers AP SY marked "temporary"

    These servers I think run out of Sydney Australia? The question I have is, Why do they always say they are temporary? I would like to use them but if they ARE temporary I really can't. I have favourited them to see how long they stay around and it has been months. As it is now I got to run out of Singapore, which is not ideal. Sydney would be better. So what's the story with these temporary/not temporary servers? AP - SY 9054 (Temporary) AP - SY 9141 (Temporary)
  7. Got some time in today. There's a new small patch out. Seems a little better.
  8. Crankgorilla

    DayZ in 2023

    I play on console because I don't have time to mess around setting up a new PC. Besides, on my time off I spend enough time on other games on console which is more than enough. If I'm out I don't want to be reading bug reports from Bohemia on my phone. Not happening. If I'm at home I use my PC to browse because screen size. The only proof of life we have on these dev's is some text shit-posting. Someone should do a welfare check. They're probably handcuffed to a radiator in a basement somewhere.
  9. Omg. It's so bad, in Berezino zombies attacked, the game literally froze, then I got wedged on a fence in a falling animation and got killed. This is on an official server in my region. It's like playing on a UK server in Australia. Worlds greatest lag. Whatever you have done with this update, undo it. You have broken the game. Things are not loading. Game is lagging. That new animation bollox is probably causing it. Here's a tip, when you are testing your game, make sure it runs at minimum specs before you load it up with game breaking wants. What were you people doing? Running it on a local (in the building) server on an uber rig? I wonder if you even tested this at all.
  10. Crankgorilla

    DayZ in 2023

    Ok, I'm a sucker for punishment, and did want to hit up some DayZ on my day off... I went to a private server and by chance they have very low zombies so until they do another patch, finding a server with low/no zombies makes it a bit better, but it's still not great.
  11. Crankgorilla

    DayZ in 2023

    I've never seen a developer totally wreck their game like this 1.20 patch. It's a laggy hot mess on X-box now. I'd prefer not to have the new body physics if this is what it's going to do.
  12. This game is unplayable now. The game chugs now on X-box with models popping in and out of view. The combat would be impossible.
  13. Crankgorilla

    Chernarus must evolve

    They need to add more props and meshes to the game. New buildings to replace the old repetitive buildings. Have the current ones as placeholders then customize locations slowly with whatever they can think up. With the lighting effects in DayZ they could have a lot of fun with a few skeleton props and some blood meshes. They already have some to work with in the zombie and animal guts. I'd go with less focus on the guns, and more focus on exploration and surprises. (Was just checking in to find out some other information, give this thread a bump on the way through) gg
  14. Any idea when this will be released to the main game? And, will it be a full wipe or a patch? I'm wondering whether to continue my base building.
  15. Crankgorilla

    DayZ in 2022

    New building models should be done. The current ones are so overused and repetitive it is nauseating. No more guns, more items needed. More creatures, perhaps some birds and rats and cockroaches. Eat the bugs. Like Greta wants to do.