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About justonce01

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    On the Coast
  1. I have noticed that the server is listening to a TCP port, not usually mentioned by the guides. It seems that the port is also changing and randomly assigned whenever I restart the server $ ss -tulpn Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Process udp UNCONN 0 0* users:(("enfMain",pid=7567,fd=150)) udp UNCONN 0 0* users:(("enfMain",pid=7567,fd=149)) udp UNCONN 0 0* users:(("enfMain",pid=7567,fd=167)) tcp LISTEN 0 128* users:(("enfMain",pid=7567,fd=162)) In the case above, it's 43465 TCP. What is this port used for and is there a way to set it statically? The server is working fine without allowing it in my firewall/forwarding in the router, but I'm still curious. Since it's always a different one, it's hard to look for existing posts on this forum about it or the internet.
  2. justonce01

    Best way to report cheaters

    What is the preferred way to report possible cheaters on the official servers? I've seen people report them on the bug tracker, but that sounds kind of wrong and it's only creating noise in the bug tracker. Is there a dedicated place for that? What information is required to report them? Is the server name, your username and timstamp enough? Can the administrators on the official servers look at the log and see when people got killed? I understand that it's limited information, but sometimes it could be useful. The reason I'm writing this is because of a very suspicious death of 3 players. 2 of us got killed in the middle of the woods from 1 shot. A friend who was almost a good distance behind us (think 500+ meters, out of sight) got killed right after us. Surely by looking at the log and if it's the same person that killed that many people within seconds (literally 3 seconds, 1 second for each of us) would be suspicious? Especially if there were more deaths in that time-period.
  3. justonce01

    Stable Update 1.10

    So the laggy official servers are something everyone is experiencing, not just my friend and me? We're teleporting all over the place when walking around, it takes noticeable time when opening doors or moving items and zombies are also not exactly smooth. Driving a car is impossible (it's rubberbanding ridiculously). Once the server restarted, it worked fine for some minutes, but then it started lagging again. This is kinda making the game unplayable. I haven't tried other servers yet though apart from that one official server. Can someone confirm that they're experiencing the same issues?
  4. I started playing the game and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of things you can craft/combine/use. The issue is that it's nowhere explained in the game how to do it. Instead, judging by a look through the forums, it's encouraged to just look things up on the internet. I am not a fan of it, because it essentially strips you of the experience of figuring it out yourself. Since it's a a videogame, you're restricted by game-logic. You can't just apply real life knowledge. Example: to create a storage box I had to combine exactly 8 pieces of wood and some nails. If I hadn't read that online, it would have never been able to make it because there are so many item combinations to try out. An immersive way would be to have crafting guides in the form of books that you can find in-game for example. The only meantion of something like that I could find on the forums is here. How come it's acceptable for everyone to just look things up online while playing? There are countless video guides, texts and concise Wiki-like pages that explain everything. And we are supposed to just read that? It removes a big part of the exploration and takes a huge chunk out of the game experience. People will say how one can just choose not to do that, but as mentioned before one will miss out on the majority of the content. It's plainly bad game-design.