I want to disable the damage of vehicles.
So i override the onContact method of Class CarScript ,here is the carscript.c code ↓
modded class CarScript extends Car {
override void OnContact( string zoneName, vector localPos, IEntity other, Contact data )
Print("vehicle zoneName : " + zoneName + " crashed!!!");
and my config.cpp files likes this ↓
class CfgPatches
class FirstMod
requiredAddons[] = {""};
class CfgMods
class FirstMod
type = "mod";
class defs
class worldScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"4_World/entities/vehicles"};
//this change worked!
class CfgMagazines
class DefaultMagazine;
class Magazine_Base: DefaultMagazine{};
class Mag_AKM_30Rnd: Magazine_Base
but the problem is ,when i pack it and load to the game, i found the modification of Magazines worked but the method overide failed.
i dont know why,could anyone help me?