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Everything posted by meccaspy

  1. I tried everything, I walked through 3 cities (Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, Solnichniy) I found several pills, also alcoholic Tincture. I disinfected gloves, mask, bottles. I changed the water and inserted Chlorine pills. I took the pills: - Tetracycline (30 Pills) - Codeine (40 Pills) - Multivitamin (2 bottles) It's nothing!!! I changed clothes, but it didn't work either! I don't know if something is wrong in the game, or Bug with my character. But after doing all that, nothing healed me! I just committed suicide! That's not fair! in real life nobody commits suicide, because of a simple flu !!!
  2. meccaspy

    I don't understant what is dayz game for?!

    I bought DayZ a week ago, I am very disappointed. I walk, and I don't find food and I die. (I find cans of food, but I can't open them) I walk, I get sick and I die. (I don't find remedies) I drink water from the river and die. (I don't find purifiers or anything to treat the water) I find weapons, however, I never find a bullet. And if I think and of different calibers. (It's no use!) Just today, I died about 20 times, I'm really trying to find some way to survive, but I always die. I am very disappointed, I know that the game needs to be difficult, but it is very hardcore! This was the 1st game I bought and I was disappointed !!!