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Everything posted by CJB1

  1. CJB1

    White Haze

    The white haze is not weather related. With the No Fog mod you still get weather and fog depending how you edit.
  2. CJB1

    White Haze

    Hello All, Just played DayZ Experimental 1.23 and noticed that the white grainy haze is still present. I can use a "No Fog Mod" to remedy this but its another mod that will need to be used. Mayne in a future release the haze can be removed?
  3. CJB1

    Cleanup item drop ground ?

    Also having the same issue. When I drop something or gut an animal the dropped item (regardless of condition) or animal remains will not despawn. They are still on the server 2 weeks now. The globals are all set from default. Shouldn't all dropped items be cleaned up at restart?