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About Vectric

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Vectric

    Possible hacker (Dayz Ps4)

    Yeah i was speaking to someone else from the server he had died through a wall to a group
  2. Vectric

    Possible hacker (Dayz Ps4)

    Well in that case i hope the guy gets banned so this situation wont occur again.
  3. Vectric

    Possible hacker (Dayz Ps4)

    I wouldve thought that aswell, but before i came up the corner i died at, my friend went past it and was fine, is there a way to check server logs to confirm Also before i logged last night i was chatting to an other dayz player within my server and i told him about the problem, he had replied by saying he;d also died to the "hacker" through a wall
  4. Vectric

    Possible hacker (Dayz Ps4)

    12 October 2020 *Sorry for reporting in the wrong section, been having issues finding the correct place* I was playing on ps4 dayz on server 0846 and appeared to die suspiciously at around 10.15-10-30pm , i have spent 2 full days running up and playing cautious, then when i suddenly turn a corner i get insta killed by a nade, it was highly unlikely for the enemies to know exactly where i was ... Matter of fact impossible due to them being in VMC two story with the doors closed, i will leave a link below to the video . My ps4 username is "LordVectric" , idk what to expect from this post because its my first ever complaint but i would like the clip to be reviewed and if they're guilty i would like to request a teleport and my gear due to the amount of hours spent to die in vein. Update ; My friend "JDavison-" (ps4 username) just died to same people at vmc two story at 11pm apprioxiamately , he had got shot through the back wall, he would also like a teleport and gear if those are found guilty. video. Chcek last few minutes https://youtu.be/ch41R9YxGy0