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Everything posted by Ronso007

  1. Ronso007

    Desperate after buying game

    Hey guys. I have this bug that after a couple of minutes of joining a server(vannila or modded) I just can't interact with anything: Doors, drop items, take items, zombies and player are "frozen" and of course I can't die. it seems to me like a MASSIVE desync problem but i can't figure out what causing it. I have stable internet connection and playing a lot of other mp games other than dayz.. tried to reinstall, validate, even changing router. AND I tried to post a bug at feedback.bistudio.com but I CAN'T register!!! (it won't send me validation email - if you can post a bug report for me I would really appricate it). and it seems I am not the only one experiencing it: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247301-cant-open-doorsuse-items-in-hands-help-please/?tab=comments#comment-2453285 https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/1/1679190184069619364/ https://feedback.bistudio.com/T140105 Video of me showing the problem(in the start of the video it work's, at 0:45 it already doesn't work) https://youtu.be/04u7CGc2uTI Please help. I am desperate :<