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About bcandatree

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    On the Coast

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  1. bcandatree

    At my wit's end

    Well, I'm thankful for the responses. I appreciate everyone's thoughts on the matter and I feel good (in a weird way) that i'm not the only one. Since I posted this, I've had some luck playing on the community servers. I've played on The Hideout and a server called "X2 Boosted Server." Both I've found to be significantly better. They're not perfect either, but at least I've been able to have a number of gunfights that seemed smooth and like I'm on equal footing to the other guy. Good and bad points.. on the one hand these are loot boosted servers so I miss the vanilla experience (I find it too easy to get geared), but on the other hand, I actually got my hands on an M4. Anyway, I've priced out building a PC and let's just say it's going to take some time to put it all together. I will continue playing on community servers until then. Does anyone know how to find the ping to the xbox live servers?
  2. bcandatree

    At my wit's end

    I am desperate to love this game. But I'm to the point where I have to stop playing it. I'm reaching out in the hopes that someone can provide some tips or explain some things to me. Maybe something I can do to troubleshoot. Maybe it's time to play on a PC? I'm a relatively new player and I play on Xbox One (X). I play on the official servers.. mostly LA 4296, but I've tried some other ones (MI). My impression of this game is LAG LAG LAG. Oh and Bugs. Glitchy bullshit. I've been maybe 20 gunfights with other survivors and in every single one of them I notice massive lag during the gunfight. Most, if not all of them have gone the other guy's way. Here's kind of the straw that broke the camel's back: I looted the Kamensk military base up north and just as I was leaving, I see a pretty geared up guy come in and so I crouched behind a wall as he hasn't seen me yet. I aim for him while he's in a crate, but didn't take the shot... he then goes to climb up the nearest sniper tower. Great FANTASTIC. Line him up with my Mosin/PU scope and take the shot (headshot). He should have died 100%. Mosin, fairly close range.. maybe others can explain differently. BUT here's the thing... he totally disappeared. He was near the top of the ladder going up. I took the shot and he was there one second and gone the next. I literally just walked around in shock looking for his body that wasn't there. I even relogged to see if maybe it was there, but invisible or something. My previous gunfight: I had a Scorpion and I unloaded an entire mag into a survior's back... he turns around and just stars whacking me with a hatchet... so I then unloaded an entire revolver on him. I can see blood spurting from him after each shot... nothing. Just keeps wailing away on me with his trusty hatchet. I die of 8 cuts. I honestly feel like the game has zero lag for me UNTIL I encounter another player. Anyway, as I say, that's about it for me and DayZ on console unless others have some ideas. One question I have would be how I can find the closest official server that has the lowest ping... then I could try that server. I welcome your thoughts.
  3. bcandatree

    This game is total garbage

    Pretty thin, lads... pretty thin. I don't seem to have connection issues until I'm about to "do something." Happened two days in a row. I agree, it's too early to quit the game, but that's how I felt in the aftermath. Not a big deal as I like the beginning part of the game anyway. I'm going to try a few other servers.
  4. bcandatree

    This game is total garbage

    I think I have to quit. I posted here yesterday: So I get a new character and manage to not starve... head inland to my base where I stock up and go out. I'm entering the Romashka campsites when I sneak up to a zombie and start swinging my machete. Machete swing animation is there, but I'm not hitting the zombie, but he's clawing the shit out of me. Agro several more zombies. Can't hit any of them. Also, full sprint animation, but I'm moving like I'm in slow motion. Switching guns works, but my shots don't hit them... I even think I see blood coming off them, but they aren't dying. So they kill me. Honestly, until the last two days of playing, I was actually enjoying this game, but I've been playing a very low profile. Until now. I've tried to seek out other players for some PVP, but this always happens. This shitty fucking bugs. I can't tell you how disappointing it is that I have to literally quit playing a game I like because it's pointless to run all over the place, gearing up, only to die in some shitty glitch situation.
  5. bcandatree

    Gun won't fire, BS

    Thanks for the reply. When I think back to that run, some other weird things were happening. At one point, my deagle would not reload another magazine, even though I had two others available with more bullets. I also tried at one point to remove my magazine from my Viaga and it just wouldn't work. I guess I should have relogged at that point.
  6. bcandatree

    Gun won't fire, BS

    Well, it's pretty frustrating when you have your character pretty well geared and you get killed because you pull out your gun, raise it, and pull the trigger... and absolutely nothing happens. Walking around looting and shooting zombies periodically for fun, so I know my Viaga is working. Full mag for it. Condition is "worn." I find some .357 rounds and go to pick them up, character does the motion, but the bullets stay where they are... xfer them to my hands and then into my pack with no problem. Think, 'hmmm.. that was weird.' That was right about when I heard the footsteps. I don't see a lot of people on the server I play on, so this is pretty exciting for me. I can see he's geared, but he's coming around the corner and I know he's going to peak the gate. So I raise my Viaga shotty (that works great when I'm shooting zombies). He moves right into the gate where I'm aiming so I pull the trigger (semi automatic so I pull it a few times)... nothing at all. No click click click. Just me with my gun up looking like an idiot. Of course his gun works juuuust fine. Any idea what could have happened? Is this just a typical game glitch? Lag? How can I prevent this from happening again?
  7. bcandatree

    Contamination and sickness

    Can someone else confirm/deny this? I got the impression that wearing gloves negates the need to wash hands after gutting animals. Of course it would be totally understandable from a realism pov, but I just don't want to bother with that.
  8. bcandatree

    i cant Deploy Fence kit

    Oh, hey check this out... I'm on xbox, but I assume this is a general bug: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153914
  9. bcandatree

    i cant Deploy Fence kit

    I was just doing this in a shed... the shed has two doors and I wanted to build the fence inside the shed doors so I could close the doors to block the view of the fence. But I simply cannot place the fence kit inside (within the foundation) of the shed building. I've tried to build inside houses too and it won't work. Is this intentional?