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About Pje91

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    On the Coast
  1. First of. I am new to being a Server owner. Some dude on my Server told me that his set up tents are dissapearing. <type name="CarTent"> <nominal>8</nominal> <lifetime>7200</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>2</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="1" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="containers"/> <usage name="Industrial"/> these are my type.xml settings for all tents. I thought the lifetime entry refers to the tents that have not been set up. Is this the problem? 1 Large Tent/Vehicle Tent, 1 Party Tent and 1 Medium Tent for Solo-Players 1 Large Tent/Vehicle Tent, 2 Party Tents and 2 Medium Tents for a Group of 2-4 Players 2 Large Tent/Vehicle Tents, 2 Party Tents and 4 Medium Tents for a Group of more than 4 Players these are my Tent rules. only if you want to know and have suggestions for changes to the tent entries to match these tent rules. Thanks!
  2. its might have been the problem. i only had the Land_Wreck_Volha_Police in my file. but another questiuon. how do i delet the spawned Police Cars inside of the Police Stations? they are still there. Thank you
  3. Hello. First time posting here, need a little help. First of all, its the first time i own a DayZ Sa Server (started 16th Sep). Guess i changed a value of the type.xml file that now spawns Police Cars inside of the Police Stations. I tried using ESP to figure out what their name could be inside the xml file, but they dont have a name. Mods i use on my Server @Base Furniture Mods 3.0;@BaseBuildingPlus;@BuilderItems;@CF;@CheckIdentity;@Cl0ud's Military Gear;@Code Lock;@CPBWeapons;@Durable Suppressors;@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul;@MosinScope;@SchanaModGlobalChat;@SchanaModParty;@Server_Information_Panel;@Specialist Weapon Pack;@Unlimited Stamina;@UnlimitedRun;@VanillaPlusPlusMap;@KillFeed;@Community-Online-Tools