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About macnana

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. macnana

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    Happens to me and my friend. A LOT. About 10 different V3s's and pickup trucks now because we have to fix it up EVERY SINGLE TIME we play because it magically spawns back to its original spawn point, broken when the server restarts.
  2. Yeah so, our vehicles and shit are on a french server, but I can't see a SINGLE FR server in the server browser. Anyone else getting this? EDIT: Seems like most of the servers are US and there aren't too many european servers...wtf?
  3. macnana

    Hacking on livestream...

    He claims his friend gave the GPS to him. This is what he had to say in his stream Cutthroatdota: the healing Cutthroatdota: was done by Albert » one of my 2 friends in the squad » The hacking program was given to me by a steam friend i knew from Dota 2, but i ran the program with it for like a minute, didnt do any spawning or anything » and decided to turn the game off, uninstall the program, and play it normally » i hate hacking honestly » if it wasn't for hackers, i would still be dandy with my m4a1 cco, fal, or akm
  4. macnana

    Graphical Issues

    I lost a fucking bus due to this. Was driving through Balota, suddenly get these artifacts. Had to turn around because I didnt see the road or ANYTHING around me, drive back through Cherno, get the bug again, crash the bus slightly and out of nowhere 2 wheels are broken..
  5. macnana

    Night too dark ?

    Welcome to ARMA.
  6. Yep. Got confirmation from a friend that he got in the server for a minute, saw that one of the 2 was an admin and he got kicked 10 seconds later. EDIT: The admin is called 77. I saw him being alone in the server and it went from waiting to briefing to playing when it was locked.
  7. So, DE 327 is a server that a friend of mine found an ATV in. However suddenly, the server went offline and when it came back on 2 people went in it, locked the server and have been the only names that have been playing in that server. We think it's the admins playing in the locked server so they can loot places easily. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/263776 As you can see, the server is restarted very frequently. Names of the players playing there are 77 and xtreme1592.
  8. macnana


    Okay so when the fuck did I mention hackers in my post? This is a SUGGESTION not crying to get my car back. Read the suggestion not my rage.
  9. This is the fucking 3rd time in a row we lose our cars in the time of a few days even though we hide it far in the forest. If you sleep next to a fucking car you will fucking hear it go. Add a key system, a chance to lock the cars, chance to add bulletproof glass to make it more safe, ANYTHING to help against getting the vehicles stolen every fucking time. The only way to safely hide vehicles is to drive them out of the map but we're not douchebags so we don't do it. Fucking do something, Rocket. It's unrealistic. Excuse my language but I am pissed right now as we lost a land rover and an ATV full of weapons and loot and left with nothing.
  10. macnana

    Catman's big fat list of suggestions

    i like this. Not the zombie bleeding shit though. A decaying body making you bleed to death from a scratch is unrealistic enough.
  11. not sure if you're kidding or just retarded
  12. the cry is strong with this one.
  13. macnana

    How well geared are you?

    I was killed by a hacker just now, here's what I had on me- M14 AIM x4 mags DMR x4 mags all tools + NVG, GPS UAZ, ATV cars were taken by the hacker. hacker destroyed whole server + killed everyone