Hi all,
I'm new to both the game and the forums. Been reading through some of the topics here, regarding patch 1.09, but haven't really seen anything regarding my "issue".
Which is item respawn/refresh upon server restart.
I've started playing the game about 3 months ago on PS4, and after spending countless hours on official servers wandering around and either starving to death, or getting killed by other players or wolf packs, I've looked into ways of having my own server, to which the solution was obviously Nitrado. I've rented a server and since I am not really interested about PvP and such, I've passworded it and started playing around with the xml files, after gathering some info about them online, to make it function the way I wanted it. I modified the types.xml often, due to the fact that I was playing around with base building a lot, and after about a month or so, I've got it set up the way I wanted.
This only to explain my motives.
Now, since the 1.09 update rolled out, I have been simply unable to modify the loot spawns. I see some changes, but can't really figure out why only certain items are spawning differently than before. I have completely disabled the spawning of a lot of items, such as hoodies, hiking boots, hats, etc, etc.... stuff that for my purposes are just "junk". Yet, they keep spawning even after a week. (I have set the lifetime to 900 for almost every item in the game, so it should be despawning/respawning frequently). I did everything the same way as I did during the previous weeks (and up until the patch came out it all worked perfectly well).
I came to guess that it might have something to do with the despawn/respawn timers of the previous "factory" settings running out slowly perhaps? I don't really know... But among the patch notes, I read that
"....The restart of server no longer spawns new loot (ignoring restock timers) and loot is only spawned after restock timers run out..."
Now, to be honest, I find that a rather harsh change compared to what control I've had over that before. I mean, shouldn't we at least have the option to control that?
Like in my case, I modified the types.xml quite a lot before, depending on what item I actually needed for my "projects" and it was very convenient to simply restart the server and have almost instant results and be able to find the items in question almost instantly.
But now... After the patch rolled out, I have spent a few hours on modifying the xml files back to what they were before the patch, and as mentioned before, I had very little success. Other than being able to "turn off" zombie spawns instantly and modifying player spawn points (also instantly took effect) as to the loot... well, it's rather disappointing. I mean, I obviously don't mind investing some time into the game, but given that I have my own server, I do expect that to be much less than otherwise it would be. I just don't have time to wait around days or weeks for every change I make to the xml files to take effect. If that is the case, I'll just move on to something else...
Could it not be changed in a way that we have control over that? I'm not a programmer, of course, but it does not seem to be a hell of a big modification to tackle...