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About 'AZAZEL'

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  1. 'AZAZEL'

    Stable Update 1.23

    The age is irrelevant in the sense, because everything can work on Win 7 unless you specifically force the game to only use DX 12 and certain drivers, protocols, codecs that can only be found on Win 10 and up. It's a dick move essentially, since none of those are necessary for game design and to make the game work. Also, poor Linux users man. 😕
  2. 'AZAZEL'

    Stable Update 1.23

    Is there any particular reason why 'MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager' cannot point into both 'MshtmlMedia.dll' or whatever it was before and 'MFPlat.dll' in the DayZ_x64 for example? You really want to disable a whole windows version because of a possible Main menu video player which uses codecs only found on Win 10 and up? Just let the video player be broken on older win versions then. Would be the most logical option here.
  3. 'AZAZEL'

    Stable Update 1.23

    ... and this is only because for some random reason they want to have the ability to play videos on the Main menu btw. Game would work just fine otherwise. 😂
  4. Do distant lights still ignore walls and collision in general? Should get that fixed first. Currently in the old build: 2 construction lights at a warehouse ... looking straight at it is fine, turn your back and the light bleeds through the wall, and the whole warehouse starts glowing from a distance.
  5. 'AZAZEL'

    Popular Streamer Banned

    That is not how banning works bruh. If he was banned because of association, then it was a community server and he can still play on official servers. If he cannot play on official servers, then he was cheating and was banned by BattlEye. But hey... at least the Zesty dude doesn't seem to care much about this ban since you are here whining about it instead of him.
  6. I guess one could treat playing yolo as a tutorial while practicing certain things before hopping onto a live server... but if you want to play the game alone, period? Sure, it is okay as long you don't expect the devs to cater to the way you are playing which is not how the game was designed. For example I don't come here to take a piss on the devs for adding things that the modding community has already created years ago since I understand that they are catering to the vanilla playerbase and not to the modding community. Depends. We all know how janky the dayz code is behind the hood so it could be easier to just use admin tools or dayz editor to create a yolo pathway instead of the devs tweaking the code. 🤷‍♂️
  7. DayZ is not a single player game and there is no incentive nor reason to play it as such. If you are playing on your own server, this is a rather non-issue since you have access to admin tools and dayz editor. 🤷‍♂️
  8. 'AZAZEL'

    Stable Update 1.18

    That's the job of the needle, yes.. not the job of the whole compass.
  9. 'AZAZEL'

    Stable Update 1.18

    But it's still broken though, since orienteering compass does not work that way. You need to be able to rotate the bezel otherwise there is no point using it. 🤦‍♂️
  10. 'AZAZEL'

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    Would like to point out that not initially due to the state of shock and for a long time due to the pain etc. General directions i.e. left and right side, front or back are not particularly meaningful and certainly less accurate than the pin-point accuracy the game gives us.
  11. Speaking of which... the fact that you don't immediately get booted from the server upon connection loss is disgusting and incompetent af. @Kyiara, please fix that. The most easiest "cheat" nowadays is to use a simple toggle script that turns on/off firewall permissions for DayZ. Since you don't get kicked from the server the very moment you lose connection, you can abuse this "grace period" by magically appearing in front of people since once you toggle that script on, it blocks DayZ via firewall and you "stay in place" in the game, but once you toggle off that firewall block, you magically appear and get synced with the server where you currently are instead of were you lost connection. 🤦 , this and some variations from this, are known as the "lag switch". This "grace period" is also why duping still exists.
  12. Can we also get the inconsistent hit registration / detection fixed too? As long as you force us to do a janky animation in order to stealth kill, it's not even worth trying. Just please remove the animation already. It's buggy, It's janky, it failed. Honestly, it is one of the most useless and unnecessary changes you have done for awhile. Normal slash attack from behind at least worked 100% of the time.
  13. 'AZAZEL'

    Combination locks need a revisitation

    Well that's the issue tho... I highly doubt BattlEye can detect AutoHotkey scripts. I personally have an auto-walk script that I use sometimes if I have to carry something heavy like logs, during building.
  14. 'AZAZEL'

    Combination locks need a revisitation

    You only need to spend few minutes if you are using AutoHotkey script. 🤷‍♂️
  15. 'AZAZEL'

    Ban Russian Servers

    To be fair, government doesn't automagically equate the people ... as you already pointed out kinda.