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Posts posted by wormholes556

  1. Aaaah i also miss LAN parties, havent had one since....2004 i think? and that was to play the original Operation Flashpoint haha. would be good to have a few mates in the same room playing on the same server, as theres no way (as far as i know) to play DayZ via LAN

  2. but yeah, i definately think that 3rd person should be removed, and maybe the FOV should be widened by default for the people who don't know how to change it. TBH there is no real reason that anyone could argue against this idea unless they are just essentially being lazy, it ruins emmersion and you can effectively cheat with, see round corners, over buildings etc. This along with the Waypoint issue are two very simple things which could be removed, but would benfit the immersion of the mod by a shotload.

  3. Gameplay> realism

    You cannot see shit when in first person, when I am in a fire fight, I am 1st person, when trying to navigate, I use 3rd so I don't get a headache from the bobbing when you walk. I would like to remind u this is a game, not a simulator

    No....A simulator is EXACTLY what it is, idiot. see this is what i hate ArmA 2 has become, people start playing it like battlefield and have no understanding of any of the ArmA's

  4. to change the FOV manually for people who dont know, go to documents/arma 2/ - then find your 'username.arma2profile' and open it with notepad. scroll to the bottom until you find -



    adjust these numbers to extend your field of view.

    i usually use roughly



    if it is not correctly in proportion then the screen will look stretched, so just keep changing it until you find a suitable ratio.

  5. Me and a fellow clan member on our adventures in Chernarus, this is the first episode of more i will be uploading. Bought a ned SSD to run ArmA 2 off and am enjoying the benefits :)

  6. Zombies in this game are completely unrealistic and they're total asshats. I mean, they sit at spawn and kill unarmed players who are just trying to get loot.

    They just make the game too difficult and they should be completely removed to fix their game-breaking attitudes. Who agrees with me?

    This has to be trolling...surely?

  7. So everyone knows that Day z has a great bleeding system, there is something that i need major help with. So i get hit by a zombie and begin to bleed, as normal i would bandage myself up to stop the bleeing but after the bandage i continue to bleed without any blood showing. And if i take antibiotics, it does not stop the blood drop. The blood drop is in intervals of 10. Please help me with this game destroying bug!

    sounds like you are sick from cold, i hear that makes you drop 10 blood every so often. is your character coughing?
