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Everything posted by wormholes556

  1. wormholes556

    DayZ Memes

    getting so sick of hearing stuff about this, so i made a meme. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/23649309.jpg
  2. wormholes556

    PVE Servers

  3. wormholes556

    PvP Idea?? Maybe

  4. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/23649309.jpg
  5. wormholes556

    dayz non-pvp servers?

  6. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/23649309.jpg
  7. wormholes556

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    in fact, GIMME YOUR BEANS FOR THAT SUGGESTION if i was rocket, or any other dev for that matter, i would find this suggestion an insult. "hey i know you've spent months of hard work creating this mod....BUT COULD YOU PLEASE START AGAIN FROM SCRATCH ON A DIFFERENT GAME?"
  8. wormholes556

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

  9. wormholes556

    How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

  10. wormholes556

    [Idea] Orienteering

    orienteering is something which is done manually, with not much difficulty unless you are retarded. if you get lost...boohoo, its your own fault.
  11. wormholes556

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    im gonna admit to being an arma fanboy right now and say....GTFO
  12. wormholes556

    AS50 Sniping a UH-1H Pilot

  13. FYI i am not being a troll, i just get so so SICK of people complaining about PvP....WHY?! you deal with it in other games so why do people expect kind treatment in this game?? the most common complaint is that people are being killed by other players, that can be avoided by better situational awareness and just generally being more tactical. as for the anonymity comment, i have a picture of myself as my DP and would gladly give anyone my address if they really thought it necessary to 'say this to someones face'
  14. well im not 15, im 22. and it seems like most of the people who CONSTANSTLY FUCKING CRY about being kill are immature kids, so shut your face or check my profile before you accuse me of being a pre-pubescent baby.
  15. wormholes556


    Hahahahaha pwned.
  16. wormholes556


    In a real life zombie apocalypse...would you trust any random guy with a GUN POINTED IN YOUR FACE? Or would you team up with friends and survive together? Which is possible in this game...unless you have none.
  17. wormholes556


    Not at all...cry cry cry.
  18. The problem with dayz is that the scope is so amazing that it not only attracts us hardcore arma players...but also every 12 year old little pussy who has seen dawn of the dead and came in their pants when they heard about this mod. grow up or GTFO. In a real apocalypse people would be just as paranoid, violent...you need to get out of your little dream world and quit crying. Don't get mad..GET EVEN.
  19. wormholes556

    Solo midnight scavenging run

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEJjqSw9JJk So i decided to go on a solo looting mission in the dead of night to collect some supplies, mainly fuel for our group's vehicle. I managed to get in and around the village without any major concerns, had a couple of close calls which i lead out of earshot and disposed of quickly without aggravating the entire zombie population. After all this.. i realize that there is in fact no fuel in the village ¬_¬ this is my first DayZ upload, but by far not my first ArmA 2 upload, would love to hear feedback, good or bad. Recorded with Bandicam (name seems rather appropriate for DayZ lol)
  20. wormholes556

    Solo midnight scavenging run

    Like a boss!
  21. dayz has been working fine for me the past week, i didnt play for a weekend and then whenever i log back in it lags like crazy (pretty much 10fps) and i instantly fall on the ground and pass out?! what is goin on???!
  22. wormholes556

    Passing out every time i log in?!

    nawwwh my blood is doing good, and i cant run to the coast because im in novy sobor LOL would take so long
  23. wormholes556

    Most intense firefight of my life

    unless its weed.....dayz and weed, best combination ever,
  24. wormholes556

    Most intense firefight of my life

    "how to play DayZ while high on crack."