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Everything posted by wormholes556

  1. wormholes556

    Graphical Issues

    GODDDAMIT!!! it only happens sometimes but when it starts...it happens on EVERY server i go on. i was doing fine then i got the staray sobor and it literally freaked the f*ck out...its actually making the game unplayable.
  2. wormholes556

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    i had this same bug. i picked up camo clothing, had a czech backpack and when i put on the camo clothing i ended up with the original a coyote patrol pack
  3. Hi I think it would be a nice idea to add in a single engine 'cessna' like plane, obviously you could only land at the airstrips but think it would be such a cool vehicle to have Or how about the antonov?
  4. wormholes556

    Single engine civilian plane??

    a HIP would be even better, i absolutely love that chopper
  5. wormholes556

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e5uxwnvL3k ever wanted to have the whole city of Chernogorsk to yourself? well i did.
  6. wormholes556

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    i agree about the thermal scopes, as they make things way to easy, and would be fucking hard to just find one in a post apocalyptic world, especially one such as chernarus. as for night vision goggles and rangefinders, i think they should be kept in as they are not actually THAT high tec. and also they dont give people a ridiculous advantage like the thermals do.
  7. wormholes556

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1_FaivuT0s some night vision shit...managed to find a bus
  8. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    Just an idea, think it will create more of a challenge and will make finding a backpack more satisfying
  9. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    They were sarcastic beans. Lmao
  10. AGGGGH!!!! i logged out in balota last night with shit gear, i logged in today on server GB 200, spent like 3 hours collecting gear and then i logged off in another city.....i go to log on 20 minutes later AND IM BACK IN BALOTA WITH NONE OF MY NEW GEAR??!?! i tried it on several servers and its all the same! what is going on!! this has never happened before!
  11. wormholes556

    Loving the new forum!

    as above, nice work guys :)
  12. wormholes556

    Walkie Talkies.

    This is a great idea, I mean to be honest I think if they incorporated the ACRE mod for dayz and created their own radios that would be AMAZING. However Im not sure of the likeliness of that happening so this Is a good idea
  13. wormholes556

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Nice idea! Slayer - angel of death If that shit came on when I was being chased by zombies I think I'd shit my pants.
  14. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    i did use the search function....and didnt find a post about removing backpacks.
  15. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    Knew some people would have to be sarcastic dicks on a completely reasonable idea.
  16. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    Urgh, OBVIOUSLY I don't want to play without a backpack, everyone needs one at some point, I just think it would add more value to it. Just like how we start without weapons now so they are more valuable
  17. wormholes556

    Start with no backpack?

    exactly, with the starting gear how it is, the czech vest is completely pointless
  18. wormholes556

    Police cars.

    Good idea, maybe are spawned with a low tier weapon and some ammo in them?
  19. How about all players start with a white band around their arm, until they kill a player in which it is removed? If they kill a bandit it stays on
  20. wormholes556

    DayZ Memes

  21. wormholes556

    Can we have some zombie love?

    *insert flame here*...its too early to have the imagination to do it myself
  22. im not sure why but UK119 (regular) and UK9 (veteran) are both favourited on my six launcher
  23. tbh its best just to test a few out, ones that you can always get into, and with a difficulty that you like.also if you plan to go solo its probably a good idea not to join a clan's server as some will hunt players in packs or horde vehicles (not all clans might i add)
  24. wormholes556

    PVE Servers

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this, now quit crying about being shot
  25. wormholes556

    PVE Servers

    ill stop spamming when people stop complaining about PvP....get over it.