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About Phil4127

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  1. Hello , i created a small mod for custom clothing , i tested it in COM and everything worked and showed up... Now i created a pivate key and a mod key and bisign and all that stuff , uploaded the mod , but it wont work! the server doesnt start! What can cause this?? Help is very appreciated. Thanks, Phil
  2. Phil4127

    Community offline mode broken?

    Does anybody else have problems with the COM Object spawner? Over night it didnt work for me anymore i tried to use different functions, i opened COM and let it make a fresh Object spawner funktion , but none of them work for me! Only thing happens is my server tries to load but crashes right after! i have my stuff spawning with the expansion right now , but i would like to use the init.c again because i dont like dayz expansion! Would be very happy if someone could help me with this 🙂 Have a nice day everyone
  3. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    Thanks , you helped me alot!
  4. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    No one who can explain this to me?
  5. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    Im not new to dayz servers , still no one ever explained me where to find these /TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission.... are these offline data of the dayz game or where are they? If you could tell me that i'd be very happy... The Error said Class: 'CustomMission' Function: 'SpawnTraderObjects' And i had a few objects in the Expansion trader file that couldnt spawn because a mod was missing .. can this have caused this error? (it doesnt give crash errors anymore but i want to make sure it could cause this!) Thanks for answering me , not a normal thing in the dayz community! Best Regards, Phil
  6. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    sorry , its this one super.OnInit();
  7. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    Sure , thanks for your fast reply! i really appreciate it! override void OnInit() { ExpansionMissionModule missionModule; if ( Class.CastTo( missionModule, GetModuleManager().GetModule( ExpansionMissionModule ) ) ) { missionModule.SetMissionConstructor( COMMissionConstructor ); } super.OnInit(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Override PlayerBase CreateCharacter // ------------------------------------------------------------ override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE");//Creates random player Class.CastTo(m_player, playerEnt); GetGame().SelectPlayer(identity, m_player); return m_player; }
  8. Phil4127

    Please help me...

    Whats wrong with this NS3843197, 28.08 2020 00:59:55 NULL pointer to instance Class: 'CustomMission' Function: 'SpawnTraderObjects' Stack trace: TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:397 TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:63 ZomBerry/AT/scripts/5_Mission/zomberry.c:404 ToxicZone/scripts/5_Mission/missionserver.c:35 BaseBuildingPlus/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:19 $CurrentDir:mpmissions\Expansion.ChernarusPlus\init.c:94