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About GoatBoyo

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    On the Coast

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  1. GoatBoyo

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    I’m happy with the way this update sounds, honestly, I appreciate the work to fix the game over any crazy new content, one thing I would like to mention, is about cars. I’ve easily put over 1,000 hours into Dayz on Xbox, it’s not the easiest game at times, but I honestly love it and have enjoyed it, and throughout those 1,000+ hours, I’ve gone through a lot of cars, not sure how many, but all have been on official servers, and the smoothest, least laggy/buggy experiences I’ve had with them, is on 1st person servers. I have no clue why this is, if I had to guess it has to do with buildings, and assets loading. For example, I just wiped 3 people at tisy military base with my friends, and the guys we wiped had a Olga, we took what loot from them that we could carry on us and in the car, and I’m not kidding, I averaged 90+ kph all the way to novodimitrivorsk, without a single stutter and there was three others in the car with me, and this was all on a first person server, and my Xbox one, not a X or S, is wireless to the internet. Long story short, I’d suggest if you decide to work with “fixing” the cars, for some reason they drive, and operate wayyyy better on 1st person servers.