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About asd1993

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. asd1993

    DankZ is back on PS4!

    DankZ is back on PS4! -More Loot Than Official -Factions Welcomed -Random Zombie Hordes -No Rules -Cars Have Essential Parts -Hidden Items Added -Strategically Thought out Loot System https://www.discord.gg/nf9bfuHwY4 https://www.facebook.com/DankZ-102177794750466
  2. COMMUNITY: DankZ SERVERS: DankZ|Expansion GAMEPLAY: PvP/Roleplay PLATFORM: PC SERVER LOCATION: America, New York SERVER FEATURES: -Helicopters -Spawn With Better Gear/Random loadouts -Zombies Have More Loot -Zombie Hordes -Bed Respawn -Code Locks -City-States -Trading Post -Hidden Black Markets -Airdrops -More Cars -More Weapons -More Clothes -Drugs DISCORD/FACEBOOK: https://discord.gg/B5cTbPd https://www.facebook.com/DankZ-102177794750466 MODS: -CF -Community Online Tools -BaseBuildingPlus -Code Lock -Mass'sManyItemOverhaul -Trader -CannabisPlus -MoreDoors -[Remastered] Arma Weapon Pack -PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion -Devils Dandruff -Docs_Weapon_Pack_Standalone -ReTex by VALIDOL -FIDOv PACK 4 -Airdrop -OP_BaseItems -BedRespawning -BuildAnywhere -PvZmoD_TheDarkHorde -UnlimitedStamina -NoGlove/ShoeDamage
  3. COMMUNITY: DankZ SERVERS: DankZ | Expansion GAMEPLAY: PvP/Roleplay PLATFORM: PC SERVER LOCATION: America, New York SERVER FEATURES: -Start With 50,000 Ruble -Helicopters -Spawn With Better Gear/Random loadouts -Zombies Have More Loot -Zombie Hordes -Bed Respawn -Code Locks -City-States -Trading Post -Hidden Black Markets -Airdrops -More Cars -More Weapons -More Clothes -Drugs DISCORD/FACEBOOK: https://discord.gg/B5cTbPd https://www.facebook.com/DankZ-102177794750466 MODS: -CF -Community Online Tools -BaseBuildingPlus -Code Lock -Mass'sManyItemOverhaul -Trader -CannabisPlus -MoreDoors -[Remastered] Arma Weapon Pack -PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion -Devils Dandruff -Docs_Weapon_Pack_Standalone -ReTex by VALIDOL -FIDOv PACK 4 -Airdrop -OP_BaseItems -BedRespawning -BuildAnywhere -PvZmoD_TheDarkHorde -UnlimitedStamina -NoGlove/ShoeDamage
  4. asd1993

    Stable Update 1.09

    your updates are pointless since it doesn't fix things the community keeps screaming for.
  5. asd1993

    Stable Update 1.09

    Just quit updating please, it messes up my server every time .
  6. COMMUNITY: DankZ SERVERS: 1. DankZ | RPvP 2. DankZ | Expansion GAMEPLAY: PvP/Roleplay PLATFORM: PC SERVER LOCATION: America, New York SERVER FEATURES: -Start With 50,000 Ruble -Helicopters[Expansion] -Spawn With Better Gear/Random loadouts -Zombies Have More Loot -Zombie Hordes -Bed Respawn -Code Locks -City-States[RPvP] -Trading Post -Hidden Black Markets -Radiation Zones[RPvP] -Airdrops -More Cars -More Weapons -More Clothes -Drugs DISCORD/FACEBOOK: https://discord.gg/B5cTbPd https://www.facebook.com/DankZ-102177794750466 P.S. Don't Join The [DankZ | RPvP] Server With DZSALauncher MODS: -CF -Community Online Tools[Expansion] -VPPAdminTools -VPPNotifications -VanillaPlusPlusMap -Radiation Zone[RPvP] -BaseBuildingPlus -Code Lock -Mass'sManyItemOverhaul -Trader -CannabisPlus -MoreDoors -[Remastered] Arma Weapon Pack -PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion -Devils Dandruff -Custom NBC Suits[RPvP] -Docs_Weapon_Pack_Standalone -ReTex by VALIDOL[RPvP] -FIDOv PACK 4 -Airdrop -OP_BaseItems[RPvP] -BedRespawning -BuildAnywhere[RPvP] -PvZmoD_TheDarkHorde[RPvP] -UnlimitedStamina -NoGlove/ShoeDamage -DankZLS[RPvP]