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Everything posted by deathcon5

  1. deathcon5

    Stop Motion Lag

    Graphics are decent on low. Plenty good on medium. Be sure to use your monitor's native resolution for the best look. Just play with them and set them as high as you can where you never drop below 20 fps in the middle of a city.
  2. We are ruining latest versions and are having trouble with vehicle inventories having short term memory loss. Very annoying!
  3. deathcon5

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    Twice now we've lost choppers to this bug, and many vehicles. Plus tents won't save anything. Whats the point in looting if you can't keep you're stuff longer than 6 hours?
  4. The key is the devs need to fix tent duping, then wipe all servers. Because right now people have tents stashed all over the place with L85s in them and they refill with every server restart. So, they are meant to be
  5. deathcon5

    Suspected Admin Abuse on US257(Seattle)

    Sorry it took so long to notice this post. This is my group's server. We, like all DayZ servers, are being plagued by douche bag hackers. If you have any further problems on our server, feel free to PM me and I'll have our admin guy look into it.
  6. deathcon5

    Cheaters ruins the game each day.

    Dood. Where are you playing? cause I want to get on the one hacker free server that's out there.
  7. deathcon5

    need to know if this is cheating

    I'm not sure how the mod works exactly but as someone who has made many arma missions I know what those commands do. I don't see any reason those should be being run by the client, ever. The server spawns all vehicles and weapons in the game. The mod may be running the weapon one to move it to the backpack. Not sure on that one. Good work! Glad you're putting in the effort.
  8. I just don't see how he is going to be able to get rid of the client side processes(to reduce hacks) and still keep server load and bandwidth issues in check. Not with a 50 player server. They should pull in some serious outside talent and completely start from scratch with hack prevention and smoothness of gameplay of utmost importance.
  9. It's moments like those that make this game tolerable. Lol. Good work!
  10. Yes, just venting. I hate cheaters. Online games would be 10x more fun if hackers and cheaters went away. They ruin immersion because they don't understand it..
  11. I don't have a problem with snipers or counter snipers. All part of the game. But, what I do hate is people who snipe, then server hop before anyone has a chance to retaliate. Pussies, cowards, and cheaters. Your kill count you are so proud of is a lie. Just like a hacker's. You have no skill, you suck at life. Die alone in your mom's basement.
  12. deathcon5

    HALP! I've flipped my ATV

    I've flipped the atv many many times on flat or sloped land and always got it back up. 1st thing is do not get off. If you do the atv will be stuck on its side until server restart. What works for me is hold shift and reverse ( shift may be pointless). Then turn the steering away from the side that is on the ground. Hold all those buttons down and dont let go. It will take anywhere from 15 seconds to 3 minutes but it will stand itself upright.
  13. deathcon5

    No Servers appearing on list

    Same prob here. My game is hanging on Recieving when I click multiplayer and all the buttons are taking several seconds to respond to mouse clicks.
  14. deathcon5

    camouflage nets ?

    There is a cammo net made for vehicles and several others also. I've built many arma2 missions. Load arma2 with no mods and go single player into the editor to see what all is there. Those who have not played arma2, or made custom missions, will be amazed at the amount of equipment dayz is not utilizing.
  15. Item wear and repair could be good. But, it needs to be realistic. Guns won't degrade for months, even getting wet with no maintenance, and nvgs should be water resistant. Car repair is already unrealistically demanding, meaning they break constantly for little to no reason.
  16. deathcon5

    Ever since this latest patch....

    Try rolling back your beta patch version.
  17. First of all, as many have said, you have to fix the unlimited ammo issues before you can worry about reducing ammo spawns. Fixing that will go a long way, further than most people think, toward accomplishing the same goals. Once that is done, I think that limiting ammo would help in some ways, and slightly reduce pvp. However, i think it should be done primarily for the sake of realism. I personally, irl, have thousands of rounds of ammo, but me and my ammo are going to be long gone from any city at the first hint of a disaster. All ammo from stores would be gone the first day. Also, the SD ammo, SD weapons, and nvgs should be
  18. First of all, as many have said, you have to fix the unlimited ammo issues before you can worry about reducing ammo spawns. Fixing that will go a long way, further than most people think, toward accomplishing the same goals. Once that is done, I think that limiting ammo would help in some ways, and slightly reduce pvp. However, i think it should be done primarily for the sake of realism. I personally, irl, have thousands of rounds of ammo, but me and my ammo are going to be long gone from any city at the first hint of a disaster. All ammo from stores would be gone the first day. Also, the SD ammo, SD weapons, and nvgs should be
  19. deathcon5

    Friendly Signal

    Yeah, bind a key to raise weapon in the controls menu. But you are still going to get shot because 90% of players KOS.
  20. deathcon5

    Player diary! Lootable

    It would be interesting if the game kept a diary for each player. Logging kills and locations. Then when you kill a player and loot the body you could read the diary see what they had been up to, how many days alive, where they had gone, what kills they had, if they were a survivor type or bandit etc. You wouldn't want it to reveal camp or tent locations necessarilly, or would you? But it would be cool to use that search body feature for something.
  21. deathcon5

    Player diary! Lootable

    Thanks I didn't see that. Mod. Please delete
  22. deathcon5

    Player's Kill book

    I think it's a good idea. It would be interesting if the game kept a diary for each player. Logging kills and locations. Then when you kill a player and loot the body you could read the diary see what they had been up to, how many days alive, where they had gone, what kills they had, if they were a survivor type or bandit etc. You wouldn't want it to reveal camp or tent locations necessarilly, or would you? But it would be cool to use that search body feature for something.
  23. Interesting suggestions. I think it would help people group up on the beaches and in cherno. But, in general, once you are geared up, I think making the game harder makes it more likely to shoot on sight since you are really dreading losing your gear. Plus once clans are on their comms, they tend to KOS anyway. I can't think of a way to avoid that, unless you force some sort of simulation of psychological consequences of murder.
  24. deathcon5

    I feel guilty..?

    I try to only shoot in self defense or if I feel like another player is being a bandit. I used to never shoot other players but then I got tired of being murdered over and over. So, now i avoid, but if another player sees me, I assume he's going to try to kill me. Which Sucks. Good job starting the helpful clan. Good luck.
  25. deathcon5

    Skalisty island

    I thought flyable choppers were temporarily removed from the game.