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About RyanGreen117117

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    On the Coast

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  1. RyanGreen117117

    Deletion of the A/C carrier

    Derleth, thankyou for your comment, I have tried the delete command in my admin tools but I cant find an area on the ship that allows me to delete them so its pretty difficult to do so ill contact the expansion team thanks
  2. RyanGreen117117

    Deletion of the A/C carrier

    yes its for real, and you are the most unhelpful person in the world. maybe spend some time working on your people skills and help when someone asks.
  3. RyanGreen117117

    Deletion of the A/C carrier

    I have recently set up a server and am in the process of building it up to release, however one of my friends was given admin to help and spawned in 4 air craft carriers and I cant delete them, any ideas or ways i can get these off my server for good? Thanks