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Posts posted by Bossshawk

  1. i have walls that have been around a few months... and noticed lately.... ones that could not have been damaged that have been despawning and degrading.... even though they are under flag protection and showing a flag when u look at them


    just wondered if anyone else having this issues or if the DEVS were aware of this? 

    i understood base walls under flag protection would not degrade or despawn?

  2. probably planted more then one at the time and you hit one...

    landmines will stay active if under a flag indefinitely if im not mistaken but correct me if im mislead... but i do not know the persistance time of them when not under a flag.. i know we had some set that weren't under a flag and they disappeared... unfortunately we did not know when hehe

  3. check out the dayz wiki  especially for crafting.. you will be amazed what you can do and even stuff to help freshies

    heres a couple that might help freshies but there is many more!

    2 small stones combine to make a knife
    (knife will open canned food... also screwdrivers will open tins too.. along with most tools... and knife needed to cut up chicken if you kill one!)

    use knives to cut up clothing (best to use ones in green condition if using for rags..)

    but if you need rope... 6 rags combine to make a rope

    people think making fires is a big deal... aside from the fact they are bright and give away your position... u can use a rag, bandage or paper for kindling and you can make a fire just with short sticks.. and 3-5 short sticks can be long enough to dry your clothing out if your waterlogged.. stand beside and it warms you up ...   firewood added is better for longer fires and for cooking etc.. but to just dry out and warmup since last patch its become more essential!

    footwear is critical... leatherkits to fix them.. hiking boots are a gold find if you find them as a freshie.... working boots good too.. then trailshoes... then your running shoes/athletics  eventually military boots are better but hunter and hiking are very durable


  4. my understanding is that all pumps are good now i dont purify at them but do recommend filling and then emptying to rinse out a bottle u havent used and found... seems to be good


    although i have a canteen i had chorinated and rinsed but 5x in a row i got sick right after drinking it someone said its a bug that everytime u drink from it it gets dirty again so i dont know lol

  5. if u need a vehicle to enjoy a "post apocolyptic SURVIVAL game" lol.. your playing the wrong game....

    stop stressing end results and enjoy the journey...  the good the bad.. the glitch the glory....the death.. the respawn..   its all what DayZ is lol

    • Like 1

  6. i feel your pain... been there  after not dying for a long time and then having to respawn.....

    i have noticed more fruit lately under trees.. so check the orchards...  also lots of gardens out there lately people plant them and they hang around.. that being said... if u can scoop a shovel or pick axe and some seeds (from greenhouses) in 15m u can have a garden and you dont have to plant the whole plot u can do one spot or two and it only uses about 20% per spot to water.. or do it next to  a watering hole... those can keep you going...

    one other people overlook is raw mushrooms... as long as they arent rotten are awesome for food and water...

  7. if you filled it with water then u know... i just know the water level and the gas level make it confusing because they are on opposite sides of their semicircle when full.....  would be much better if they either had a F and E on them for full and empty or both went the same way... i know it got me the first time i thought it was full lol.... and it takes roughly 4-5 bottles or canteens... if you are only about 60% full it will start smoking

  8. pretty sure everything under the flag symbol or not stays... as long as the flags up

    the interesting thing if.. by the way all this is stated to be..... once the 45 day mark hits from the day of the 1.09 patch... by all right all Old bases that have been sitting there empty and half destroyed and abandoned should technically despawn along with any crates that were buried before that patch date and never interacted with....

    at least thats what im hoping to see... at this point maybe more of the loot and guns will come back to the servers that has been hoarded and forgotten about by players or by players who have left the game

  9. what would be cool too would be if you could clear a piece of land from say bushes or trees and plant a garden there... or the end result of planting a garden plot might be to have the land clear of bushes after it despawned.. mind you they seem to never despawn anymore lol

  10. ive had quite a few friends with this issue off and on lately.. while im still in the server so i know the servers not down...

    support had told me before to go to:

    xbox settings

    network settings

    advanced settings

    alternate MAC address

    clear MAC address

    *note this will make you restart your xbox

    another option is to:

    right minimenu click the DayZ icon

    go to manage game and addons...

    clear saved data

    (you wont lose your profiles or anything its just the last bit of the game since the game synced i do believe)

    sometimes one or the other has worked but lately it seems to not work more and more.. not sure whats going on... i heard somewhere it was a corrupted player data file.... usually you can get in other servers if you find them... the last friend i had that had this last night could see almost all servers.. could hop to a diff server... but could not see community servers and could not come back to our server... he was extremely frustrated lol

  11. On 9/23/2020 at 1:18 PM, Bossshawk said:

    how about increasing the amount of nails in loot?    its been horrible trying to find them since the 1.09 patch


    Kyiara said:

    HI, we didnt change anything so you might be just unlucky - it might be the case that due to the contest, more people are searching for those...



    im curious and im 1000% not being toxic or slamming or rude... but have you guys played your official servers since the patch?  if your saying you changed nothing do with the loot other then the spawn and respawn times.... its absolutely insane how the game has reacted.....  

    loot goes in cycles... for a couple days you find something like crazy...then for days and days you will never see one ever..... like the other day i had 5 out of 7 sheds had head torches and another the same was flashlights or pistol flashlights....

    you say helicopter crashes should have good loot on them again?  im not a heli hunter but ive been lucky enough to find 4 since the patch... NOT ONE SINGLE GUN.... last night... combat helmet.. ballistic helmet... sweater...a ghillie shroud was the only thing worth taking from it...  rvn sights and a lowerlevel backpack...     you know how depressing it is when you get so excited you actually find a heli crash and then not one single gun... or a field backpack.. maybe a tent if your lucky....

    the other thing thats changed is that you used to find certain types of loot in certain areas... ie tools in sheds or garages... food/clothes/low level shotguns or pistols ect or ammo in houses... i havent found a hatchet on the ground anywhere in any building or shed..... ive found them but only in zombies ive killed  

    what im saying is pre-patch there was some logic according to how and where the loot spawned... right now it seems anyway anyhow....    run all the way to one of the better airfields/bases and you find capri pants and hoodies hard hats.....  if you risk and run through the elements to get to a spot that should have at least military clothing.... and all your finding is hunting boots (which are decent... but i expect them more at hunting camps and blinds) and civilian clothing....

    and since im getting it in the open... how about the 9v battery issue when you hop servers?  you can lose anywhere from 25%to 75% of your battery if its in your NVG when you hop....  is this planned?  or a glitch... hard enough to find batterys some days but when you forget to take it out and then get there and have no nvg capability cause you ran out of batteries its really frustrating haha


    anyways i hope i didnt get too many directions here... but since you replied i thought maybe u could at least point these things out if they arent aware of whats going on out there....

    also i had directed on a diff thread regarding the patch asking about a persistant table being posted so we know what items will last what length of time at this point (not counting the flags of course)... would be very helpful

  12. any tent happens... only way to prevent is place a wall slightly away way from the tent a foot or two... test how far you need to be before you can see it and enclose your tent in all 4 walls or on bigger tents just leave stuff in the middle.. but like he said guys will just chop the tent down anyways..

  13. @ImpulZ

    Would it be possible to get an updated Persistant Table posted somehow somewhere?

    ive only been playing a couple months and usually do alot of searching and research myself..

    It would be good to know since the patch... and how things are affected.. im relatively new and have tried searching and most of what i find is older tables for length of items....would be nice to be able to say ok.. thats gone in 12 hours.. thats gone in 2 days.. ect...   and whether crates and drybags are on the ground vs buried.. does that change their lifespan.. .

    any help would be appreciated thank you

  14. im on Official Servers... i dont mind trying to work hard for gaining what i need in the game... but when you go through 5 towns/cities.. every garage every shed every building... and find 1 box of nails....  how are you supposed to build a base.. never mind one that can at least slow someone down for a bit when dupers are just duping whatever they need to build theirs?  

    no possible way to compete that way

    and my opinion a contest like this should be separated from Official to Community as stated above... Community can have and usually does have boosted loot anyways... so they can just pump up the loot and have no lack of building supplies and tools lying around... where on Official if you arent already established or been hoarding for ages... you have to scrounge hard even for building supplies...

    i went through 5 towns last night like stated above... 1 box of nails.... 1 hatchet.. 1 splitting axe.. 0 Handsaws....please tell me how you can compete with that?  

    Believe me i dont want the game to be easy.. i like the PvsE part of the game and the fun of surviving and building... but how can you even attempt to build this way

  15. A few hours back myself and everyone i play with on an Official Server got kicked with error code 9... tried researching it and tried all the suggestions.. mind you those were mostly from a year ago and related to the priv servers....

    Is there a server issue or outage at this time?

    Any particular steps to try?

    Have tried the following already:

    Hard Quit and restart Xbox

    Reset Modem

    Reset Router

    Released and cleared Alternate Mac address

    Deleted Saved Content in Dayz storage

