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Everything posted by Scoo1

  1. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    Devs decided to drop Windows 7 support without giving us a warning bevor - not very nice, but that's how it is. Just bad luck. No change here. They could have at least waited until patch1.24, Steam support for Windows 7 ends at the end of the year.
  2. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    This is a feature - you wear it off by using it.
  3. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    Looks like Windows 7 isn't supported anymore ... Server is running, but client doesn't. No error message. Lunchpad closes after clicking play and opens again after a few seconds, that's it.
  4. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Tripwire is bugged. You can craft it, deploy it, arm it - but you can't trigger it. Sprinting, jogging, walking through it ... nothing works.
  5. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Yes i was talking of 12ga Buckshot fired with MP-133 or Saiga shotgun. Aiming center of body with ads (no hip fire), distance: 2-4m, target: infected with no protection gear, result: infected shows a smal caliber hit reaction and you have to shot a second time. This happens about 50% of the time and it's not a 1.22 to 1.22.1 problem, it's a 1.21 to 1.22 problem, still present with 1.22.1. The 2nd problem i found: crossbow bolts disappear when shot from a short distance. Climb on a car wreck and attract a few infected. All bolts you shot will disappear after killing the infected.
  6. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    After a few more tests it doesn't seem to be the hit registration, but the damage calculation. 8 pellets to the body and the infected didn't even show a stagger animation. We had this problem a few patches ago already. Did you use old code accidentally?
  7. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Looks like buckshots have a hit registration problem. About 30% of my shots at infected (wearing no protection gear) do almost no damage. Crossbow is bugged as well. Bolts disappear when shooting from a distance less of 2m. I really like the changes to gear damage done by infected. Finally there is a reason to keep repair tools at all.
  8. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    Livonia has a typo in type.xml - change "NorseHelmet" to "NorseHelm" or it will not spawn. Chernarus is correct.
  9. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    Running around in wet clothes, will dry them only a little bit slower, then putting them in front of a fire now. So i will do the same as always - ignoring the rain. Just did another test: putting wet clothes on the ground without a fire... no difference to with fire. So drying with fires don't work at all. Oh, just saw: gas canisters are still filled with lead instead of butane. Weight is too high by a factor of 10. Why do such simple bugs always take several patches to fix? Doesn't anyone of you, my dear developers, have 5 minutes time for this?
  10. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    You are too impatient. It's taking a lot longer now. 5 short sticks and 1 piece of bark - burning 9 minutes - dry things by 2 levels. So wet and damp becomes dry, soaked and drenched becomes damp and wet. Damp can be ignored, dries up on its own after a few minutes of walking around and has next to no effect on item stats.
  11. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.20

    Fantasy weights: -large gas canister now weighs 4kg - 450ml butane weighs 270g - the old value of 340g was correct -Heat pack now weighs 1.3kg - makes no sense at all - the package itself says 200g. That's just what I saw right away in my gear.
  12. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.19

    Your config should look like this: <input name="UAVoiceOverNet"> <btn name="kCapital"> <event name="hold" /> </btn> </input> <input name="UAVoiceOverNetToggle"> <btn name="kCapital"> <event name="doubleclick" /> </btn> </input> and it will work.
  13. The vision behind this change is obvious, it's not a bad thing for official servers. But a single player can't team up, as he or she is the only person on the server (=single player). If the developers don't like the idea with the new switch for server configuration, i have to wait for modders to unblock the new content and stay with ce-file modding until then.
  14. New unreachable areas with unique loot? Not good news for single players. 😕 If you're playing on your own server, you can at least remove the loot from those areas and make them spawn somewhere else. Anyway, this is definitely a new direction being taken by the developers here. A direction I don't like. But I have a suggestion for solving the problem. A new switch for server configuration: "singleplayerfriendly". When set to 1, a normally inactive valve in the 2nd subsurface area becomes active and allows water level control.
  15. Bloody hands -> salmonella -> charcoal tablets -> 🙂
  16. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.17

    There is one new bug, that drives me crazy... mouse sensitivity mode switching doesnt work in all situations and you end up aiming with camera mouse sensitivity instead of aiming sensitivity. Here is a situation where it happens all the time: 1. Starting with empty hands - important! 2. Press a number button to take a gun in hands (works with all types, but a rifle is best for testing -> longer animation) 3. Press and hold right mouse button (or what you defined for aiming) before the "take a gun into hands" animation ends You are aiming with camera mouse speed now. You have to cancel aiming and aim again to aim with aiming mouse speed. For players like me, who are used to run around with empty hands all the time, this is a nightmare. Switching from one gun to another does not trigger this bug.
  17. "Sensitivity settings is now exponential instead of linear" I think this is related to the slider in settings, not your movement with mouse. -> no mouse acceleration, but larger adjustment range
  18. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.14

    NVGs spawn at heli crashes now only. Helis are extremely easy to find with the new crash sound and smoke. Gas bombed areas are very small. Running out is much! less risky then trying to log out. You should really work on your habit to run away, if you see a problem at the horizon 😉
  19. It was 25 at first. Now it's 35 minutes:
  20. When fully geared you have 222 unlimited inventory slots, maybe some containers like cooking pots, teddy bears and so on. Now your crafted item goes in your inventory. You have to look through all this, open all containers. Of course there are ways to make them go where you want them. But when crafting in several steps, this would be just annoying.
  21. It seem as if chassis still get excessive damage at low-speed collisions. Maybe this got overseen? Could you please check this? Thank you. Freshly spawned and fixed Golf - frontal "crash" with 2km/h - all parts of the car except the chassis remained pristine - chassis damaged. One more 2km/h crash and the car is trash.
  22. As a server owner you control it like all events in "events.xml". <event name="StaticContaminatedArea"> <nominal>0</nominal> <min>2</min> <max>4</max> <lifetime>2100</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>0</saferadius> <distanceradius>120</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>0</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="1" init_random="1" remove_damaged="0"/> <position>fixed</position> <limit>parent</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="4" min="2" type="ContaminatedArea_Dynamic"/> </children> </event> Dont let you fool by the event name. This references to dynamic toxic areas only. Static ones can be found in "cfgEffectArea.json" Oh no, my gas mask filter delivery service...
  23. There is a weak red light around you, when artillerie is aiming at your position. Run when you see it, you have 30s or so.
  24. Cars are fragile as a raw egg now. I touched a road sign and a tree with back and front with less then walking speed. Both times half of car parts were badly damaged or ruined afterwards.
  25. Most items 4 or 8 hours. Clothes, low tier weapons, tools = 4h High tier weapons, bags = 8h With a lot of exceptions from 15min to 45 days 😉