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About Scoo1

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    Devs decided to drop Windows 7 support without giving us a warning bevor - not very nice, but that's how it is. Just bad luck. No change here. They could have at least waited until patch1.24, Steam support for Windows 7 ends at the end of the year.
  2. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    This is a feature - you wear it off by using it.
  3. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.23

    Looks like Windows 7 isn't supported anymore ... Server is running, but client doesn't. No error message. Lunchpad closes after clicking play and opens again after a few seconds, that's it.
  4. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Tripwire is bugged. You can craft it, deploy it, arm it - but you can't trigger it. Sprinting, jogging, walking through it ... nothing works.
  5. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Yes i was talking of 12ga Buckshot fired with MP-133 or Saiga shotgun. Aiming center of body with ads (no hip fire), distance: 2-4m, target: infected with no protection gear, result: infected shows a smal caliber hit reaction and you have to shot a second time. This happens about 50% of the time and it's not a 1.22 to 1.22.1 problem, it's a 1.21 to 1.22 problem, still present with 1.22.1. The 2nd problem i found: crossbow bolts disappear when shot from a short distance. Climb on a car wreck and attract a few infected. All bolts you shot will disappear after killing the infected.
  6. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    After a few more tests it doesn't seem to be the hit registration, but the damage calculation. 8 pellets to the body and the infected didn't even show a stagger animation. We had this problem a few patches ago already. Did you use old code accidentally?
  7. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.22

    Looks like buckshots have a hit registration problem. About 30% of my shots at infected (wearing no protection gear) do almost no damage. Crossbow is bugged as well. Bolts disappear when shooting from a distance less of 2m. I really like the changes to gear damage done by infected. Finally there is a reason to keep repair tools at all.
  8. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    Livonia has a typo in type.xml - change "NorseHelmet" to "NorseHelm" or it will not spawn. Chernarus is correct.
  9. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    Running around in wet clothes, will dry them only a little bit slower, then putting them in front of a fire now. So i will do the same as always - ignoring the rain. Just did another test: putting wet clothes on the ground without a fire... no difference to with fire. So drying with fires don't work at all. Oh, just saw: gas canisters are still filled with lead instead of butane. Weight is too high by a factor of 10. Why do such simple bugs always take several patches to fix? Doesn't anyone of you, my dear developers, have 5 minutes time for this?
  10. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.21

    You are too impatient. It's taking a lot longer now. 5 short sticks and 1 piece of bark - burning 9 minutes - dry things by 2 levels. So wet and damp becomes dry, soaked and drenched becomes damp and wet. Damp can be ignored, dries up on its own after a few minutes of walking around and has next to no effect on item stats.
  11. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.20

    Fantasy weights: -large gas canister now weighs 4kg - 450ml butane weighs 270g - the old value of 340g was correct -Heat pack now weighs 1.3kg - makes no sense at all - the package itself says 200g. That's just what I saw right away in my gear.
  12. Scoo1

    Stable Update 1.19

    Your config should look like this: <input name="UAVoiceOverNet"> <btn name="kCapital"> <event name="hold" /> </btn> </input> <input name="UAVoiceOverNetToggle"> <btn name="kCapital"> <event name="doubleclick" /> </btn> </input> and it will work.
  13. The vision behind this change is obvious, it's not a bad thing for official servers. But a single player can't team up, as he or she is the only person on the server (=single player). If the developers don't like the idea with the new switch for server configuration, i have to wait for modders to unblock the new content and stay with ce-file modding until then.
  14. New unreachable areas with unique loot? Not good news for single players. 😕 If you're playing on your own server, you can at least remove the loot from those areas and make them spawn somewhere else. Anyway, this is definitely a new direction being taken by the developers here. A direction I don't like. But I have a suggestion for solving the problem. A new switch for server configuration: "singleplayerfriendly". When set to 1, a normally inactive valve in the 2nd subsurface area becomes active and allows water level control.
  15. Bloody hands -> salmonella -> charcoal tablets -> 🙂