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About z310

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Dang. Got ruined by archlite. If any of the folks who commented are still around, you can fix the archlite issue by just hitting edit then post - I still link this thread to people sometimes and your replies were all great - would love to be able to read them again. Edit: It looks like posting this additional reply to the thread fixed everyone's formatting up! Nice!
  2. z310


    Use bandicam. I've used it for a ton of day z videos and it works great. Best part is that it encodes on the fly so the filesizes are much lower than fraps. here an example of a vid recorded with bandicam:
  3. I did. I tried Arma II demo near when it first came out, but the tutorial was buggy as heck and just plain awful so I didn't even think about making a full purchase. The Arma II OA expansion is much, much better though. I've played a bit of that after buying the Combined ops pack. (Seriously if you want to try Arma II itself, start with the Operation Arrowhead tutorials. Don't touch the default Arma II ones, the OA ones are insanely better.)
  4. z310


    Just watch some videos to see what the gameplay is like and decide that way. You can see exactly what the gameplay is like and compare it to Stalker.
  5. z310

    NW Airfield...

    server hoppers are the #1 best way to get loot up there. headshot them when they're loading and grab all the goodies they've gotten by hopping
  6. I had more fun when people didn't learn to just run thru towns with zeds trailing them
  7. z310

    Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

    I think it happens if they hit your legs
  8. Sir or Madam I'm afraid if you continue this reckless behavior I will be forced to apply bullets to you until your body ceases to function... if or when I see you. Please reconsider your actions.
  9. Hello. I've noticed that many of you have taken it upon yourselves to keep the zombie population fit and lean. You've begun training courses for them, where you alert anywhere from two to two dozen zeds and have them chase you through towns and cities. Your intentions of eradicating zombie obesity are noble. I did my best to defend unarmed zombie trainers, even letting them live after bringing a load of zombies near me. I found their dedication to zombie fitness somewhat annoying and troublesome, but I tolerated it and allowed them to live. However I'm afraid that I can no longer have this policy. You see - zombies are dangerous. They're not really attending your fitness class. That's just what they want you to think. What they're actually trying to do is kill you. And everyone else. Keeping them physically fit is counterproductive to your and my survival! I found myself in a situation where I was crawling with broken legs, literally 5 feet away from a hospital full of precious morphine, when one of your ilk brought 10 zombies to me. I was unable to flee due to my broken legs, and though I valiantly slew 4 of the beasts, I fell to their overwhelming numbers as my gunshots attracted more. This didn't have to happen. From this point forward, if you come near me with your zombie fitness squad, I will kill you. I no longer support your quest to keep zombies fit, and will demonstrate my stance on the issue by placing a bullet into your skull at high velocity. So there you go. You've been warned. Carry on your zombie training if you must, but do it far away from me if you wish to live.
  10. z310

    Anti-bandit squad

    Yeah, prolly wanna post this in the survivor forums. You know, bandits probably kill more bandits than non-bandits already. So technically the most anti-bandit players are bandits themselves.... !
  11. z310

    Am I a bad person?

    No, you're just a safe person. I pretty much kill on sight anyone running towards me nowadays. Used to be I just killed armed people that see me, but now unarmed folks are getting shot too. Especially if they're running with a train of zombies. It was cute the first couple times, but after being killed by an unresponsive untalkative unarmed player who brought 20 zombies to kill me when i was crawling for some morphine... I'm not so sympathetic any more! (Pretty smart form of PvP for him really, he got a bunch of loot from my corpse.) So if you're one of those guys who just likes to aggro huge trains of zombies so they can run into buildings for gear more quickly, beware. Bring a big train into a building that I'm in? You're a liability son and I'm gonna put you down!
  12. z310

    Why do -you- kill?

    Main reasons most kill: 1. Paranoia, fear that the other will kill them so they shoot first 2. Loot. They want that better gun, they're starving so need some beans, etc.
  13. Seems like you have a good set of policies going! My operating basis is kinda similar. 1. If I am unarmed, I'm everyone's friend. If I see an unarmed person, I'll let them go about their way, and team up if they like. If I see an armed person (and they see me) I will tell them that I'm unarmed and shower them with praise and flattery. "My, you're looking quite handsome today sir!" 2. If I'm armed, and I run into an unarmed person, I will let them be. If they're coming to loot an area that I'm looting though, I will advise them to stop and vacate the premises for their own safety. (If I notice they find a good piece of loot I'm liable to murder them.) 3. If I'm armed, and I see another armed person, my actions depend on if they see me or not. If they see me and come anywhere near me or aim towards me in any way, I'm shooting them without hesitation. If they don't see me, I'll stalk them and try to find their base/tent and then murder them. Especially if they look like they have good loot. So there's my "bandit code"