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About FabianoMartins

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. FabianoMartins

    Server Side Mod? How?

    Thanks for bringing this solution to the topic, it will help a lot of people. I already used it and didn't even remember to mention it here. CFTools is really good. But the ideal was to have an in-game tool for monitoring pranksters using glitch and hacks. The tip is good. For teleport, either coordinated or for player, healing, dropping items and killing a player has commands that you can put in init.c and keep the commands within the game.
  2. FabianoMartins

    Dayz Init.c modification

    An idea. Create in "cfgspawnabletypes.xml" an item glock_complete, for exemple, with all accessories added and inserte this item your init.c I make this in others circunstances, addeding m4 full in cars, and works fine. Sorry for my bad english.
  3. FabianoMartins

    Connect/Disconnect Messages without Modding

    PT-BR Cara, isso é feito através de script adicionado ao init.c do DayZ. Pode ser usado também com BEC para fazer a notificação ou Darth Server Edition que lê o arquivo DayZServer_x64.ADM e notifica na linha de chart quem entra e quem sai. Inclusive dá de habilitar killfeed também. Só não achei lugar nenhum com scripts para tal. Só pelo DARTH ativei. EN-US Google Man, this is done through a script added to DayZ's init.c. It can also be used with BEC to notify or Darth Server Edition which reads the DayZServer_x64.ADM file and notifies in the chart line who enters and who leaves. You can even enable killfeed too. I just didn't find any place with scripts for that. Only by DARTH I activated.
  4. FabianoMartins

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Yes. After many hours of play I found several other houses with the same problem. A door opens and the sound comes from another door on the other side of the house. This gives the impression of other players arriving home. Sim. Depois de muitas horas de jogo descobri diversas outras casas com o mesmo problema. Abre uma porta e o som vem de outra porta do outro lado da casa. Isso dá a impressão de outro players chegando a casa.
  5. FabianoMartins

    Airport Building Door - Faulty Sound

    E estamos chegando na 1.14 e permanecem os bugs. Tanto nestes prédios quanto em outras casas ao redor do mapa... Testado no XBO e no PC!
  6. FabianoMartins

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Updates come, updates go... And the bug with the sound of doors in several buildings continues... Updates vem, updates vão... E o bug do som das portas em diversos prédios continuam... Airport Building Door - Faulty Sound - Troubleshooting - DayZ Forums
  7. FabianoMartins

    Serverfiles for Xbox One and PS4

    Commercial contract with Bohemia and Microsoft... 🤣🤣🤣 Don't get me wrong .... I wanted that too ... NITRADO = GARBAGE
  8. FabianoMartins

    Repudiation against BetweenZ BR

    Simples... Troca de server... Não invista em PAY TO WIN e seja feliz... Ou você acha mesmo que a BOHEMIA vai fazer alguma coisa contra um grupo que disponibiliza o servidor de graça para os outros se divertirem sendo que cagam e andam para nós, BRASILEIROS, que temos apenas 3 servidores OFICIAIS na FRAGNET com aquele desempenho lixo (deve ser um 486 com 16MB de RAM?
  9. FabianoMartins

    How to display player count on your server

    Nice job brow!!! Thanks!!! I will try it on my server! 😃
  10. FabianoMartins

    How to display player count on your server

    With BEC you can do that!
  11. FabianoMartins

    Console Update 1.10

    Maybe... Anyway... Posted... LOL...
  12. FabianoMartins

    Stable Update 1.10

    PT Bug da Fogueira - Mesmo apagada ainda fica o barulho. Gerador de força também!!! EN Camp Fire Bug - Even if it is off, the noise is still there. Power Generator too!!! https://youtu.be/7NE4dBg4XBY
  13. FabianoMartins

    Console Update 1.10

    "Fixed sound issues related to doors in several buildings" PT Mentira... Os prédios (dormitórios) continuam com o som das portas do quarto que citei BUGADO! E algumas casas também!!! EN Lie ... The buildings continue with the sound of the bedroom doors that I mentioned with bugs! And some houses too !!!
  14. FabianoMartins

    Stable Update 1.10

    "Fixed sound issues related to doors in several buildings" PT Mentira... Os prédios (dormitórios) continuam com o som das portas do quarto que citei BUGADO! E algumas casas também!!! EN Lie ... The buildings continue with the sound of the bedroom doors that I mentioned with bugs! And some houses too !!!
  15. FabianoMartins

    Console Update 1.10

    PT O sangue é no meu server em particular... VANILLA... E uso o google... O indicador, teste aqui agora com estomago cheio, demorou um pouco mais para baixar. Parei na torre do Berezino, das fábricas, e passeia noite inteira lá. Deitado, com roupas militares e sem qualquer tipo de aquecimento artificial no personagem. Baixou pouco desta vez. Sei lá. Mesmo assim parecendo estranho perto do que era antes. Mais real talvez? Não sei. EN The blood is on my particular server ... VANILLA ... And I use google ... The indicator, testing here now with a full stomach, took a little longer to lower. I stopped at the Berezino tower, the factories, and spent the whole night there. Lying down, in military clothes and without any kind of artificial heating on the character. It dropped little this time. I don't know. Still looking weird close to what it was before. More real maybe? Don't know.