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Everything posted by Smirk

  1. Do what I do. Whenever i see players that have already spotted me, I lower my gun my gun and quickly aggro a ton of zombies. Strangely, people tend not to shoot others who are having zombie problems and it gives them a chance to help you. Helps gain a bit of initial trust if they shoot at the zombies instead of you. If you can't hope to defend yourself and all else fails, run in circles like idiot. It's worked for me.
  2. Eh, i like the side chat. Game gets boring when walking long distances. Why not talk to some people?
  3. I think it would be an interesting addition to see a sort of "Shrieker" zombie that would yell periodically when aggroed to attract all the nearby idle zombies. To make them more interesting, they could also let out this scream when killed which would attract nearby zombies to its corpse. That way, any player that kills them silently or from a distance can clear out the zombie population from an area they want to pass through or search. Like it? Hate it? Feel free to yell it at me in all caps.
  4. Smirk

    Idea for zombie type

    I saw that one, I like mine more.
  5. Smirk


    Very true. I just climbed up a latter to reach the roof of a four story building, just to have my guy slam his foot down at the top and aggro 4 zombies that were in the street.
  6. First Question- Why does clicking on my flashlight and the clicking "drop" cause most of my inventory also spill out onto the ground? Second Question- Why when pressing "L" to turn on the flashlight, it only works about half of the time and when I un-equip it my character starts throwing flares everywhere? Third Question (Unrelated)- What does the broken red chain mean when it's on screen? Also why does going for swim cause my items to disappear? Please help.
  7. Ran through two small towns and gained a horde of zombie followers for my trouble. Then ran to the next town where three guys were hold up in a building. They kept shouting "FRIENDLY!" "FRIENDLY!" "BEHIND YOU, MAN!". I ran through their building and the horde decided to focus them instead. About 20 seconds later I see the two of their deaths in the chat followed shortly by the third. Walked back and found two of their bodies which only had a bit of good loot but the laughs were reward enough
  8. I've been encountering servers that are either bugged or cheat servers as I've loaded into the game in a different spot than I logged off in, with completely different gear, and three bandits sitting there watching the exact spot. Just wondering if there's a give away or some feature that needs to be watched for?