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Everything posted by Bullet2hart

  1. Bullet2hart

    Average Life Expectancy

  2. So because he made the mod for Arma II' date=' that states that he wants only team players, and no lone wolfs? I'm not sure how that logic works. [/quote'] Can you not read full sentences? "and sometimes (In Acceptable/Exceptional circumstances) you could "Lone-Wolf" it on certain parts, but ultimately you had to have allies."
  3. Is that how YOU think it should be played' date=' or has Rocket actually stated that's how he wants the game to be played? What's so wrong about wanting to play as a lone wolf. Do you really want to tell other players how to play the game? I think the only person who should / can do that is Rocket. [/quote']
  4. And since there are no Urban noises from noise pollution in Day Z (traffic/construction) it sounds about right that the 1st reason was that do'er.
  5. I think you created a "bug" that will shape this games future. All these people complaining about Zed counts now will ultimately complain soon in the future about "How there's not enough Zeds and that you should add more. The "Realism" of zombies fast spawning in Accounts for not being able to have massive amounts of hordes on the screen at one time due to ARMA's restraints. If there was a Zombie Apocolipse - do you really think running into a city for supplies would be accomplishable without attracted a horde of zombies, which you would then kill in some manner of way, that you could just walk out the way you came un-hinded? NO - By LORE Zombies are attracted to sound, and i ask all you ignorant people to go stand 500 metres away from any type of un-silenced weapon and tell me you don't hear the direction it's coming from or tell me you don't hear it. Simples are the faster respawn rates and the sheer amount of Zeds makes up for what this game cannot accomplish due to the ARMA Engine. Find a friend - i play with 8+ clan mates at some points - now i know not alot of people can put the time or effort into joining a clan - so join a community! Actually play this game like it should be played instead of pissing all over Rockets Email list about how it's getting "too hard" or "too unplayable" - This is the most playable I've found this Mod to date - we're having the most fun, because we're actually looking at the Zeds in a "Respectful manner" Before it was just run to that building - sit at the back and wait for em to come in then we sit here and loot this place for 30 minutes un-challenged unless another player came along, now with the aspect of theres going to be a constant threat of Zeds you have to watch your back - or have somebody watch it for you! IT ADDS ELEMENT! i fucking love it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though i suppose - and I'm just adding my side, look at the game how it SHOULD be and not how it WAS - Before it was just too damn easy. Get an M240 and sit in the barracks at North Airfield and tell me that you didn't have fun with the constant stream of Zeds coming inside the doorway - with the little pauses of contact you could take your eyes away for enough time to check the loot in the building, then get the hell out of there alive hopefully. of course theres other ways of doing it but i just like a challenge. Epic props for making this bug by accident (on purpose) ;)
  6. Bullet2hart

    1.5.6 My Issues

    originally posted in the update section - reposted here as by request of griff.
  7. Bullet2hart

    DayZ Update 1.5.6

    Just been in UK3 from server start for about 4 hours - At first the loot was perfect - no bugs or anything, everything was respawning in on time. Zombie count was around 500-600 sometimes peaking at 800. Same player count 3 hours later - No loot was spawning, only backpacks. Sometimes~ a few items but if you looted them nothing replaced them (Confirmed by waiting 50 minutes near airfield) Zombie count dropped to 130~ and gradually dropped to 30~ ran through several towns and villages trying to spawn zombies in - No sucess only zombies that were present were ones already spawned in places prior to me getting there - if killed they didn't respawn. 4 Hours into the game everything was desolate. only backpacks were found, 20~ zombies when we had people in Elek/Chern/Berez/Staroye/Msta all confirmed to only have backpacks in loot places. Sorry but it looks like the no loot issue only worked for the 1st day after the update, it seems to be getting worse and worse and happening more frequently after the update (kinda like 1.5.5) From what i've seen yesterday it took like 6-8 hours for the loot bug, now its taking like 3-4 hours...
  8. Bullet2hart

    DayZ Update 1.5.6

    Loot has been working fine, sometimes i get there and it has nothing but with-in 5-10 minutes if i hang around it spawns, theres still sometimes though a few spaces on the ground that don't have loot at all. I don't know if that's meant to be the case in some buildings, but take NE airfield for example the easternmost hanger doesn't have a south west corner spawn and the one next to it doesn't have a north east or south west corner spawn inside of them. stayed there for around 30~ minutes and looted everything, and everything was respawning - although a strange thing happens when a covered up dead body appears as loot - the next loot cycles items seem to generate inside the graphics of the dead corpse. but its definetly working alot better then in 1.5.5. Had no issues with my tent either, filled to the brim with food/water/meds/winchester/ammo - nothing has gone missing yet.
  9. Bullet2hart

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    Since 1.5.5 I've been having a LOT of trouble with loot and zombies. A long story short- Spawned south of Tulga - Ran from spawn to North West Airfield passing tonnes of barns and buildings on the way there - No loot in any buildings apart from 1 barn had a winchester inside of it with 2 pellets and a slug round, and 1 jerry can along with some random tins of stuff (the usual things you find in a barn and it more or less had something on every spawn location inside this one barn) Every other lootable building i ran past had nothing inside it and the zombie count was REALLY LOW - i ran through a few cities with only 3 or 4 zombies there - no other players were in those areas when i was running through. Anyways - got to the Airfield and checked the 2 barracks and control tower - the only items i found were 1 Coyote Patrol Pack and an Assault Backpack, litrally every single item spawn location had NOTHING there. So i logged out and logged back in ran away about 100 metres and checked for loot again - Road flares backpacks and tins were visable, but there were still lots of empty areas so i thought hmm mabye he changed it so items take like 10 mins to spawn in, so i ran to the edge of the Airfield sat there for ~40 minutes while i cooked some food and sat on facebook (while being logged in to the game ofcourse checking it occsionally to make sure i didn't de-sync). so after i finished i went back into the game and checked the barracks and control tower again - Exactly the same items in exactly the same places but still nothing in the other spawn locations and the zombie count was incredibly! low, litrally the only zombies i came across were 4 inside the barracks, i looked down the airfield with binos the see if i could see any more zombies near the fire station or hangers, even ran down to the other barracks, no more zombies - no items apart from road flares, chemlights tin cans, backpacks and empty spaces...... Strange day.