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Everything posted by Cronus7011

  1. Cronus7011

    Console Update 1.08

    For my game play of 1.08 for Xbox one: I have noticed that when I am carrying a bag in my hand. Any item I am wearing that I check the status of that is equipped will go into the bag in my hands, like my gun on my left shoulder which even when I equip it back from the bag will go straight back to the bag unless I set the bag down, my boots, hat, and glasses have done the same. If I get a new pair of glasses the old ones will auto pick up into the bag in my hand and some other items. In some cases if I drop an item to pick another up, that item I drop goes into the bag in my hands again as well. Sometime items auto pick up when I have passed by then. Still same old inventory glitch of items that you can't do anything with on occasion. I have been trying to experiment with using the L/R Trigger to navigate and drop items into different inventories. I also have to reset the server when this happens generally. With having two-tent canopy and one-car tent being setup, the game has been trying to freeze on me a bit when I am in range of these items. I will try to play today to see if this happens to me again on this part. Only started to happen like an hour or more later after setup. I tend to go through zombies hand punching them, usually once they are half way through my body the can hit me but I can't hit them so have to try and run a sec and get back into position as well. Not sure if anyone else has been having the same issue. Only thing I have made changes to was nominal amounts of items and a set number jeeps to spawn in with everything. Been no other issues than these so far. Wanted to test the changes out before I did anymore modding. But the most annoying thing is putting an item into something and then it ends up back in my bag. Even if I am in a tent and I drop something onto the ground and try to move it into a tent pre-say. The last item that was placed in the tent before this item ends up in my hands, if this makes since. Also with cars, I can barely tap the wall and the two front tires get ruined, sometimes the battery/spark plug/radiator as well. way to like change the damage factors. Sucks after the game freezes when driving and then the car is destroyed barely tapping it on something.