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Everything posted by ZBA

  1. Some of the dayz streamers cry that new movment decrese thier skill and they cannot run like call of duty hahaha. Good good. This is survival game not shittiy bf or cod.
  2. I dont wanna helis because: 1. Map is too small for them and you could get from coast to tisy in few minutes 2. Typical survivor as we are in dayz dont know anything about piloting compliacted maschine like helicopter 3. I prefer to add simple "bumbblebee plane" as they announced few years back. Plane like this isnt very fast, there is higher chance that typical "survivor" will have pilot skills for that (it isnt that uncommont for someone to learn to fly in like aeroclub on small planes) and plane like this fits more into dayz world.
  3. ZBA

    Combination locks need a revisitation

    Just add 5 digit lock and problem solved
  4. ZBA

    Let’s talk about the M4

    All military guns should be like 75% more rare
  5. ZBA

    Please add notes back

    hi, Can we have notes back in game? I know that they are big problem for the server performance because you can create infinite amount of them and server need store that data what make server unhappy but you can easily workaround that problem. Put billboard in every town and player could pin his note there. Billboards would have like 9 slots for notes and every note stay there for like 7 days and after that it de spawn from billboard. Notes that are laying on ground can de spawn in like 5/15 minutes to prevent stupid people destroying server. And please dont even start some bullshit examples about toxic speech on them because I will go and punch you in face. This is core role-play mechanic in game like that, and we need it to push this game more away from death match on big map.
  6. Spear should be way supirior in combat vs knifes. Long weapon always win in unexperienced hands. -Make spear attack longer like 50% more -Make it a little bit faster like 25% -More dmg like 50% -Change crafting recipi. Long stick + Bone / Stone + rag / rope -Make them throwable like grenades in future patches Nice patch
  7. ZBA

    Rearmed Admin racism, bullying.

    Its thier private server so let them do whatever they want. Go play elsewhere
  8. ZBA

    Tourist map suggestion

    I agree. 2D overlay looks like shit. Just disable 2D overlay and increase a little bit resolution of texture of the map in game to make it more clear to view on model
  9. I should not say that to not make problem for Sumrak for fuk it. Today I asked Sumrak on his stream about 2 things: -Will dayz in next 1-3 years get more engine Enfusion tech updates that are now in development for future Bohemia projects? (dayz is using just a portion of Enfusion engine and still using parts of old Arma2 engine "Real Virtuality") He said "no". What is hekking terrifying because dayz now have huge problem with gun play, movement, optimization of entities, light and render system... The gun play is clunky and isn't even near to be "fun". It's of course way better what it was in 0.62 and it even without compare but the gun play isn't right. Movement in dayz is still very basic. Our character feel weightless, we can start sprinting from 0 to 100 in like 1 second and problem with slow crawling isnt fixed since 0.63 patch. Entities on the map causing huge optimization problem that effect entire server performance to shit self and lock development of new interesting content because of it. Lights in nighttime disappear when you zoom on them and strange light glitches appear non-stop during night and day time. Second question was more basic but still even more important for me. DayZ do not have clear end game what is good because its "our journey" and its amazing but. What I can do during this journey? Fix a car from 3 random parts, put them in car and crash in next tree? Maybe I can play as medic and help people? Oh sorry dayz don't have any soft skills or any skills to specialize in something like gunshot wound care, removing bullets etc. Should I build a base? Fuck that I cannot even place single gate on vanilla server because this one fucking pixel prevent from placing kit. So what was the second question? -Can we expect simple cooking system where we combine simple ingredients like vegetables and meat to create custom dish? He said "no". And that is amazing. If we cannot expect in game such a simple but desired system when we sit around fire and cook with friends what dayz is all about I do not believe we shouldn't expect from this game anything expect boring gun updates like another useless resking of M4 in patch 1.15.
  10. ZBA

    DayZ | 50 QoL suggestions | Part 3

    From me: Add "examine the body" option. You could check if dead person was -shot (if yes what type of caliber it coulbe small / big) -contusion? (zombie hits) -bites on his body? (wolfs) -scratches? (bear) etc
  11. ZBA

    Suggestions for a better game

    get lost
  12. ZBA

    Building and furniture interaction

    I asked Sumrak about have and option to destroy furniture with sledgehammer to make more space inside houses. He said its imposibble to do beauce each building its one huge 3d object with furniture attached to it and the problem is when you try to separate this object into small pieces like buulding, chair, table etc you creating more "spawn points" or something like that for this object and server VERY do not like that. I think game would need better render engine to handle so many new object on screen? Maybe it take way more memory? I dont know.
  13. Sumrak (the lead of dayz project) said like 4-6 months ago on his stream that there is no problem with implementing bow and crossbow to the game but they dont have animations to do so or they dont have the animator to animate it for them.
  14. ZBA


    Can we have chainsaw back in game, please? -Killing players and zombies with a lot of blood splash. I do not expect body parts decapitate because I know how hard it could be to implement but at last a lot of blood. -Cutting trees faster -Cutting planks faster -Looking cool
  15. hit markers are good but need to be more like dark red viniete in side of the screen or whereever we are hit rather than .png splash image
  16. Hi, In my opinion sniping in dayz with Hunting Scope and also other scopes like ACOG / PSO is way too easy. Its like Counter Strike 1.6 scope style, black screen with cross. Please do something with it and make it harder to use scope. Nowdays if you wanna kill someone or stay alive you MUST have sniper rifle (blaze / thundra). Without it you are like without hand. Please nerf scopes to make them harder to use.
  17. I like it. Just small patch on the end of the year. I hope in 2022 Bohemia will give more people for dayz team. Base building is terrible and we need completely overhaul of it or at last massive changes to existing one. Also The light system need fixes and improvments. Especjaly when you zoom with scope on source of light it dissapears... Sniping in night time is imposibble because of it
  18. ZBA


    Sleep option would be nice. 1. During sleep you can regenerate your health (not blood) like x2/x3 faster. 2. You have black screen, you wont hear anything, even mumbling 3. During sleep your temperature going down so you need sleep inside house next to the fire or inside tent. 4. You dont know how long you will sleep. It could depend from "global character stamina". It would be another stamina bar that tells us how tired after hours of running etc. our character is. You login on to the server and you have 100% global stamina, then you play for 1 hour (depend what you do during this hour) and your stamina drops to 90%. But in second hour of play your gameplay is extreamly intense (running and pvp that couses stress) so your character lose not 10% like before but 50%. Then you could go to sleep to regenerate your global stamina. If your global stamina is low, like below 30/40% you start to feel weak, you have less basic stamina, maybe you cannot spirt as fast as always, your screen is sometimes blury etc..
  19. I agree. Stealth kill is awsome but its too hard to use. Our character makes too much noise even with light boots. 1. Change kill trigger from Right mouse button + Left mouse button to F to kill zombie. Its easier and faster for everyone + let us see "F" button on zombie when we are behind him to know that we are able to sneak kill him 2. Make our character like 50% more silent during crouch walk 3. Let us kill zombie during "huh?" zombie event
  20. ZBA

    Why block the NVG completely ?

    For me NVG could be completely removed from the game. They give too much adventage and dayz isnt military pvp shooter, its survival game. At last make them uber ultra rare same as NVG scopes
  21. ZBA

    Sniping in dayz is too easy

    I dont play many games so I dont know how it is in other game sbut maybe something like this? Its escape from tarkov game. I know on screen could be waay diffrent scope comapred to dayz hunting scope that is longe range but still
  22. ZBA

    Stew/Soup System

    Just add simple cooking system. 12-16 recipies with easy and hard dishes to make. You could like slice the potatoes, or chop them into cubes, add meat, its like infinite amount of potential in cooking system for dayz. I know that "logic" behind it could be hard and time consuming to make but overall system do not sound that hard to implement. Easy and fast to make dishes could give you good amount of nutrition but the complex dishes could give you buffs. (like this temperature buff when you sit long enought next to the fire). Im not sure what kind of buffs could dish give but maybe like: -Health regen -Temperature buff (shorter than from fire) -+50% stamina amount for 10 minutes -x2 damage with melee weapons for few minutes. I know that dayz is not MMORPG but I would like to see this small "mmorpg" elements in game that wont breake immersion in same time.
  23. I dont even have power in me to talk about this shit again. I know the cars can be hard problem to fix but FUCKIN COLLISION FOR BASE BUILDING? How fuckin long we need to wait until we can build without problem in this fuckin game. I dont care about private servers, I play only officials. Base building is dogshit in this game and need fix asap. I dont give a shi about new weapons, contamin. zones and cars. Just fix basic stuff
  24. ZBA

    Cheater stop game

    True. Officials are full of chinesee cheaters. You waste like week on building a base? Fuck you. Big group of chinesee cheaters will destroy your thing in minutes