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Everything posted by caterpillar38

  1. caterpillar38

    Wires/Tank traps/Tents.

    Hello guys, I'm posting this question here because no one gave me a solid answer yet. Me and a few guys collected a few of those wires and tank traps, and we wanted to construct a camp. But we're not sure how to "save" the camp so it will spawn on other servers too. Could you give me some more information about those wires and tank traps? 1.Is is possible to "save" it once it is constructed. 2.Is it possible to deassemble it and put it back into the inventory? 3.Once I "save" it, how do I spawn it on other servers? Cheers, Mike.
  2. I didn't recive your PM. There's place for you mate' date=' added you on steam. Added you too. Added you too. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay tuned to the theard and steam group as there is going to be an important event tomorrow.
  3. caterpillar38

    Looking for a partner or a group

    Hey, lucifer. I'm assembling a big group called "the forbidden dogs" look for the theard. There'll be an event on Sunday, stay tuned to the theard.
  4. Well I'm sorry that the theard may contain several spelling issues, English is not my main language. I tried to put effort to it, maybe I misspelt here and there but I don't understand why you think my theard isn't "remotely" serious. Thanks for criticising it anyway, I'll fix it. Cheers, Mike
  5. caterpillar38

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need some help, my friend broke his leg and we wont hold much with advancing so slow. I can pay with some food and clothes.
  6. caterpillar38

    New era of zombieshootin

    You'll need a power plant to power all those lasers and flashlights...
  7. caterpillar38

    Civ clothes?

    Just found some civ clothes, but I cannot wear them for some reason. Is it not patched yet or only bandits can wear it to turn back to a survivor?
  8. caterpillar38

    Civ clothes?

    Yeah, I suspected that this is the case.
  9. Easier way to get tuned with the group, also I want to collect everyone into this steam group so we can start events easily. Since the first event starts soon, tomorrow or on sunday you better get one and add me. CaterpillaR
  10. ...You shouldn't because there are no rules against it. Just saying its a bit lame. The story ain't to bad though <3
  11. caterpillar38

    Looking for a partner or two.

    Hey buddy, may I have your steam please? I need to talk to you.
  12. I don't like this at all, for one reason. "Relogged so the zombies will despawn". Thats lame. I mean, well.. thats cheating.
  13. Got a steam account? It's highly recommended.
  14. caterpillar38

    Got saved by a survivor today!

    Cool story bro, I liked it. Indeed it's very nice to know that there're some kind people around like this guy. I'm looking for those "nice guys" actually, there's a group I'm assembling and it'll be ready hopefully tommorow to start it's "First day". Check it out please- "The forgotten dogs" theard. Cheers, Mike
  15. caterpillar38

    Where's your favourite place to survive?

    Moving within a group around the eastren villages, commiting raids and slaughering zombies.. basicly.
  16. Post has been edited, please make sure you read it again.
  17. caterpillar38

    4 scots looking for a team UPDATED

    Enter "The forgotten dogs" theard. It'll be updated soon too.
  18. Sorry I couldn't answer your questions yet, I just have my last test tomorrow before the holiday ( It starts at 23 June in my country) so I didn't have any time for that. I'll post the answers on the theard, some kind of a Q&A section... I'll add you all tomorrow.
  19. caterpillar38

    Post your Steam name!

    Steam: CaterpillaR Name is Mike, I'm on UK/EU time zone. Currently assembling a crew of 6 survivors.
  20. caterpillar38

    Lookin for a partner!

    Hey afitz, I'm currently looking for some mature survivors.. Theres a crew I'm assambling with my friend, it'll be a 6 player crew. I'm pretty sure that if you deside to join you'll get all the information you want/need. Sent you a PM with my steam and skype
  21. Smarteenie? is that you? It'll be hilarious if that's you. Anyway, I'm assembling a small crew of up to 6 players I'm looking for mature guys at least 16 y/o.. And, if you're Smarteenie so.. We were waiting for you at the damn lighthouse for like 20 minutes so we left. I still have some supplies with me that I can give to you if you want.
  22. caterpillar38

    Voice & Text Communication

    I've tried communicating via direct chat and microphone, I've stummbled on like 5 players and they didn't answer me at all... are there servers with limited MIC/Chat ? (I was 1 meter from them).
  23. caterpillar38


    Its strange but I cant communicate with anyone... not by chat or by micDoes CH:Off means CHAT off?Why did they remove the mic chat and regular chat?