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Everything posted by RedZA

  1. RedZA

    70 Slot Roleplay

    RP server, looking to add more people to the server as we sit at currently 283 members. Currently a 70 slot server. We average on medium pop most days. Looking to add more action for the already current members. New members are free to join any of our current factions or play as a lone wolf. We hold our factions at the highest standard and the leaders are on a special council with the server owners to make decisions in the server. We have a suggestion channel and always open to new suggestions. We have regular events. Active admin for any support needs. Benefits of the server: * increased some quality of life items * Slight increase in base building supplies and weapons * Slightly increased heli spawns * Server is whitelisted and needs a password, mouse and keyboard, first person https://discord.gg/gt4xMG