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About Ash006900

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ash006900

    Console Update 1.08

    Could you please please please fix the controller map... why can I zoom with a hunting scope on my gun but when I try and zoom with a hunting scope in my hands it open my hot bar?.... it’s dumb. Like you rushed the mapping. I should also be able to zoom (double tap L1) while in free look? Why can I not do this? Like you have the seething with “with hands raised” why can’t you put in “while in free look toggle R2 for zoom” or R3 as I do not need to heavy attack while I’m am running and looking behind me! (R3 has no single use in free look only double tap for 1pp or 3pp. This could easily be addressed. This is a huge problem for console! I can’t be the only one. Thank you for your time.... please someone send to devs!!!!!!