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Everything posted by Suede2

  1. Server Details updated. Added an up to date Discord Link in the opening post. Server is growing, people are streaming, its a pretty relaxed server and people seem to enjoy it.
  2. They Live! Livonia - Solo/Small Groups They Live is a UK based 32 slot server. We’ve been experimenting for a couple of months to get a good balance across the server, and recently updated the Rules and Map. Server is growing and is usually medium population at the weekends. Players from all around the world and it's steadily grown over the last two months. This is a server for Solo players and small groups. We are not averse to large groups, and alliances/wars are fine. But the foundations should be of small groups of survivors. Over half the map has KOS and Base Raiding permitted with a simple split with the River. In the North there is no KOS and No Base Raiding. In the South below the River anything goes. What else is there? Modded Server with most hidden items - Spawn Locations/tiers etc altered. An extreme PVE/PVP area with increased loot Small Trade Post/Safe Area based at Kopa Prison. All suggestions come from the community. Active admin Server wiping with 1.11 Killfeed We are a small server, but we are increasing at a good speed. Come have a look around. Discord
  3. Server due to be wiped with the 1.10 update. New rules, KOS/Base Raiding expanded area expanded. Maximum Group size will also be increased from 3 to 4 with the next wipe.
  4. Server has recently been upgraded.
  5. Gary did you find a server in the end?
  6. Suede2

    Friendly PS4 server?

    Did you manage to find anywhere? You are welcome on my server if you wish. It’s called They Live and is a Livonia map. Hope that helps.