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Mullet Masta

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About Mullet Masta

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    On the Coast
  1. Mullet Masta

    Console Update 1.07

    Heres an actual review of DayZ standalone, DayZ Expiremental; If you compare this to the original Arma2 DayZ, its STILL horrible. 1) There are thousands of vehicle variations in the mods. 2) Should have went with Epoch mod building style (opinion, as this standalone gives a whole two options, walls and towers, which have very little customization and is very disappointing) 3) more bugs than having several mods added to an Arma 2 or 3 server. (How are we scripting mods in that dont glitch out better than this almost decade of work on standalone?) 4) Additional MAPS ARE FREE ON PC! Lavonia addition was another money grab for a terribly developed "standalone" version that still acts like its in Alpha and should have never been released. (Yes i said it) 5) Why does it feel like this place is in a rainforest 24/7, why is night time (about) every 20 minutes? 6) To players; I highly advise against investing into standalone until they get serious and fix it, add more content, more maps, and get the mission files figured out for roaming ai and ai missions, including adding safe zones for ai traders. This is more an Alpha version of the game in comparison to Arma2 DayZ mod and its complimentary mods the modders worked so hard on developing but got ripped off by one scavenger creator. Take an actual look at whats out there and compare. Come back and recreate this total garbage heap of a rip off to the community. Yes console players keep coming back to see whats new and getting another taste of the trash heap that it is. Yes there was a boost in the number of players due to it being FREE on game pass. Know how many will stick around? Good luck, now pull your heads out of your rear ends and do a little more research on what has already been developed by others for this game. Maybe pay them to fix the trash the original developer threw away, cashed out on, and dipped. This is my completely honest opinion. I loved Arma2 DayZ Epoch. This though... Is a royal slap in the face to the entire community. I can edit the same map and add more content myself on Arma than the little edit you have in the 1.08 release. Get your act together! #Facts #Truth ✌️