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About 999white999

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. 999white999

    DayZ Update 1.19

    Please devs 1.20 we need a base building update now is so dates and pointless ๐Ÿ˜’ its really normal balance some more fence kit if you lads really cba a door fence kit be able to have your gate open left or right and the lock 2 the watchtower option 2 have stair or no stairs with the gap cover if no stairs be able 2 build a the watchtower back with have to put another watchtower behind it we need more now its been a long time and I hate to think how many people have ask for the same thing please please dev listen the the people that play the game ๐Ÿ‘
  2. 999white999

    Server crashing useing ip stresser

    Been playing Dayz on lavinia now come across a big problem people are using a system called ip stresser to duplicate kits but it's also crashing the servers and kicking everyone out please sort this ASAP this is against the law 2
  3. 999white999

    Console Update 1.19

    Sort the server s what wtf you dev allways fuck the updates up why do no other devs do the to any other games
  4. 999white999

    Where is the new plate carrier

    Been on dayz experimental all week on xbox can not find any of the new plate carrier s ๐Ÿ˜’ think the dev forgot to put them in because they r no where to be seen ๐Ÿ˜‘ ๐Ÿ˜ updates out Tuesday and the experimental is a waste of time in my eyes because they forgot about cherno map and only care about making money out of lavinia now
  5. 999white999

    1.18 Experimental Release

    the new grenade launcher is too overpowered and should be restricted to what it's meant to shoot at 75 meters I shot this on experimental and with a range finder can shoot up to a 150 meters need toning down needs to be 75m but it shooting stupidly far
  6. 999white999

    Under the map glitch console

    When r u going to fix this everyday people swimming in shotting cars raiding using to tools just swimming under ya base please have it so if they do this they load in the sky and drop 2 there. Death going to wait till 1.18 to play again feed up with dayz for now
  7. 999white999

    Sort the cars out

    Please stop this from happening the game crashes so much now please can u add it so when ya game crashes the fuc# cars stop โœ‹ for god sake 8 year and this shit is still happening sort it or take them funking out so stupid game crashes car start driving faster everyone dead ffs 6 hour grid for fuck all
  8. Please sort this glitch out make it that if they are gliching under the map have them load in the sky and fall to the death because u can not have a base if they just keep swimming in your base point less you not fixing this problem out ffs
  9. 999white999

    Dayz vehicle

    I no there will be no heli .would love some more base building options but would love 2 see a tank add in to official have like 3 on the map 1 at North West and 2 a tisy because no-one really goes there now because of the gas zones and a tank would get everyone having to gone there to look for part ect think it would be a very good add to the game and a new weapon to destroy the tank 2 just a idea oh and dog tag after killing a player and the pen please to leave note too much offline raiding u need to balance it out better hours to build a base 2minite for some one to swim in take down your walls from the inside is so piss taking after all the hours of grinding just so great Ideas please listen to the player that play the game
  10. 999white999

    Dayz dead

    If u say so rust is shit ๐Ÿ˜’ as for the dev note but pricks. The game has gone dont hill for me not fixing anything that anyone wants swimming under the map game crashs . Had the team last go for plank filled 2 car my game crashes boom by car and planks. Second car mate game crashes instead of the car stopping because there is no one driving now car just speeds off by its self then to kill my team great work devs
  11. 999white999


    At rackinglad27 why u begging for a dupe method lol ๐Ÿ˜† before u say I'm not yes u r want people to put it up so u can dupe again pmsl
  12. 999white999

    Duping is back again

    Everyone take a look https://m.facebook.com/groups/470158590475884/
  13. 999white999

    Base building update for official please ๐Ÿ™

    I no what your saying but I dont want a modded to death server esay to find loot dayz is a grid and thats how I like it. So much better killing a guy with a lar that he has had to grid for and get mags ect official is where its at no salty admit getting smacked and being kick out because your better then them
  14. Dont no how u devs get away with leaving players out on official server. I no you don't make money off the dayz vanilla console server but people pay good for a game that rarely plays as a game should do in 2021 and on a next gen console. So here we go again when are we going to see a good base building update not for community for official ๐Ÿค”. We are not asking for much really a fence kit that is half the width of a wall being able to build in place that u can clearly see you can put a wall there . Me and my team put a wall all around a Novo industrial then to be met with the last 2 walls that u can not place any where we try making it go around more to get a better level but it flat and u can see that u should be able to build there and u can not 200 logs put in the ground to be met with this crab . Every update u bring out we get less and less places to put a fence kit down. Been playing for all most 3 year now and see lots of people talk in the dayz community I can remember some ask for the chicken to able to be picked up the replay back from the devs was that was not important but that in the game but base building is not please sort it now waited to long and getting a bit feed up with building now and im not got going to community any time
  15. 999white999

    Fence kits problems

    Please help we have a base in the Industrial building the one with the big blue door back room with a toilet in and a upstairs when placing a fence u can not attach any barb wire or metal wire and u can not see the fence in your inventory this has been after the update please sort because can not build now and we have been here for 8 weeks now please sort ASAP and stop please from swimming under the map easy fix if they do it load them in the sky and they can drop to there death just a idea ๐Ÿ‘