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Everything posted by zombiedrd

  1. zombiedrd

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    I get what you're saying, but 'ruining' has a much wider definition. It also implies that the random person I shot felt the game was ruined by me killing them. It could be a person like me who accepts their death and moves on, or it could be someone like the others, and runs crying to the forums/side chat. There's just too many variables. But saying i'm 'ruining' someone elses game I feel is a bit overkill, hackers ruin peoples games, people who spawncamp the beach can 'ruin' someones game, etc. As far as running people off, even if we ran off half the playerbase, at 20 bucks a pop the game would still be insanely successful.
  2. zombiedrd

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    Punishment for what? Playing the game the way you don't want them to? why should I be killed,mocked,targeted for not wanting to kill other players, yet players who do get praise, and defended? seems kinda backwards to me. I think you're missing the entire point here. We are not mocking you for not wanting to kill another player, we are mocking you for wanting to apply your own personal rules to the game. You don't want to kill other players? Then don't. Avoid humanity at all costs. But don't complain and come here suggesting changes to the game because you won't adapt. To be perfectly honest, there was a time when I would drop some mags for a player out of ammo, and would give food to someone who needed it. That time was back in April. There's too many new players now, and i've been shot in the back of the head too many times to trust anyone except my personal friends. If I saw you running from a horde of zombies i'd sooner kneecap you with my enfield and keep moving, not because I want to ruin your gameplay experience, but because I want to enhance mine. Stop taking things so personally. Just saying, your idea of enhancing a game seems to be to ruin it for others. Why waste ammunition on someone running from zombies. Better saved for a more dire situation.
  3. zombiedrd

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    Killing for gear I fully get. What I don't understand is why the people with high end gear camp the shore and pop newly spawned. For that one bandage? I am running into this. It isn't even low level gear, I've been ripped to shreds by LMGs within ten steps. The other thing that sucks is the people who watch the high-yield sites to kill. Can't tell you how many times I have been sniped in the tower of the fire stations. I have given up on finding high stuff now. I settle for menial loot and hide in the heart of the map. Clans control the good zones, and I have accepted that.
  4. zombiedrd

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    I've actually been saved a few times. I once spawned in on the coast and was instantly aggro'd by a zombie train. Ran for about 500 meters and I hear multiple rounds and they all go down. Dude in a Ghillie suit stands up, salutes, and goes his own way leaving me going dafuq. Another time I was ambushed by a bandit, on the ground passed out. He came to me and proceed to teabag me using a combo of crouch and stand. Then I hear a crack and see him go down behind the hour glass. A little later I am back at 12000 blood and a dude gives me a 1911 with three mags. Told me he was from some bandit hunting clan. Most of the time, I am killed upon sight though.