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Everything posted by KingFromTekken

  1. KingFromTekken

    Inventory Fault

    Last night I was having major issues with my inventory. I could drop items on the floor to give my friend a head start on his first go but he couldn't see all the items. The ones he could see he picked up but there were items still on the ground. I could only pick up certain items. The prompt appeared for me to press X but nothing happened. I couldn't eat, drink or apply bandages either. I dropped my ruined coat but was unable to pick up the replacement as well as my old coat or the items it carried. As a result my character died. Anybody else had this and know if its something that can be avoided?
  2. KingFromTekken

    Dead Player Loot Issue

    i had this and it was infuriating. Unfortunately I could not make it work until I switched servers.
  3. KingFromTekken

    A flood of players

    Thanks. It's all good, haters don't bother me one bit I can see past them to appreciate the potential of a game.
  4. KingFromTekken

    A flood of players

    Game pass fresh meat here. My first go on this took ages to get into the game but realised it is likely due to those such as me trying it out for the first time. Seams to have settled down a little I think. I can get into maps much quicker now.