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Everything posted by marlboro9

  1. marlboro9

    Can't spawn: hourglass bug

    Last night it happened to me too. I was in firefight, died and respawned with hourglass bleeding, i managed to bandage myself, bleeding stopped at 82 blood. I was not sure where I am, so I hit respawn or abort, cant remember. I spawned again with hourglass, passing out. It was at version and i tried also Next after hourglass passed i tried to let zombies kill me, but i was gaining negative bloodcount (going to bellow zero) and i was able still to shoot, but not to move anymore, still not dying. Hit respawn. Spawned with hourglass, passing out. I hope it will be fixed, maybe today it would be ok, as i really like playing this mod..
  2. I thought i would be nice addition to gameplay, but currently its damn weird. During spring-summer at hours past midday are the most warm in the year. For me and few more players even with latest hotfix temp is dropping way too fast. 1 point every 1-2 minutes. That gives you about 60-100minutes for gameplay, untill you need to warm up. All that during sunny day. Hidind inside buildings during day? That should lower your temperature, not increase it, and with current mechanics its even way to slow. Running gives you no heat.. Actually that big pile of firewood should last more than 10minutes, estimating it for 2-3 hours. And even with proper cloths, like survivors would surely take multiple spare cloths to make layers everywhere, you shouldnt be able to get cold such easily during nights. Maybe multiple nights without fire and warm meal would have effect on imunity.. 1. Fire need last longer 2. Temperature (body) system must be raised not only by sitting near fire 3. There must be a limit of outside temperature at which you cant get your temp lower. (Midday, sunny, your body temp cannot be sufficient to get cold!) Last game we actually ran 2-3km to some village, we found wood, warmed up at fireplace, ran back, made fire, warmed up..Sorry but unplayable. Hope it would be adjusted. Notice this all with hotfix running. Now there are messages from my teammates that not every server have the same conditions for temperature dropping. Need to investigate more about this.
  3. marlboro9

    Affordable canned food.

    You had live in post soviet country or on really small village? I can assure you, livestock and pets, dogs, cats are eating whats left from human meals. Or what cats can hunt down. Catfood, dogfood canned is easy to be found like harvester in the city(country folks have not such luxury to buy canned food for pets). Maybe some other type of meal like flour bags is more believable in such country.
  4. marlboro9

    An idea for zombie respawns.

    Commonly i have seen zombies spawning while going on clear field just 2-3 meters in front of me. Its quite unplesent and silly. In one moment no zombies and then bam, 4 zombies around me..
  5. The same happen to me. I was near Dolina when disconect and after joining again i was spawned on the island south of Kamyshovo. Next moved north again in a pitch black and somebody shot me dead. No way he could see me. There is also not synchone time, when you disconect and connect again, you have sunset-you can see good, others have pitch black, which is disadvantage in combat obviously. This is serious problem.
  6. You should consider these> (actually some of next ideas maybe were posted before) 1. Crate-stash, removable, lootable, could be carried by man, something like backpack. (persistent in world after disconnecting). 2. Food locations/non perishable or wild/ -mushrooms, forrest fruits, vegetables/fruits-orchards/gardens/cropfields, fish-lakes or sea(fishinghook), MRE, Beef jerky-dehydrated/smoked meat,sausages, flour for cooking, chicken eggs, bee hives. 3. Water locations-raindrop capturing(empty bottles,cans,bucket,drums-can to be find especially in villages), village/compound wells, cistern trucks-firestations. 4. Colectable firewood. 5. Military/humanitary aid dropouts? (food,fuel,) 6. Toolbox for fixing stuff? Fuel canisters for vehicles? 7. Lantern? Crowbar,fireaxe,kicks,gunshots for opening locked doors? 8. Wild animals-wolfes attacking people? 9. Help/escape strategy? 10. Emergency radio broadcast? (radio station+car battery) 11. Findable/changeable military camo clothes? Vest for increasing carrying capacity? 12. Civilian and military bulletproof vest? (affecting health only) 13. Weight capacity/limitation? 14. Zombie/infected free safezones? Wirefences,fortification? 15. NCP hideouts? No-weapons zones. Military secured perimeters with orders to shoot survivors on sight,with supreme firepower? 16. Small animal traps? 17. Camonet, could be build in camp area? 18. Portable gas generator for recharging electric devices(radios,gps,flashlights) 19. Barricades,road blocks,executions,traffic jamms,mass graves,hanged people,destruction,burning houses/factories, depressing world stuff. 20. Repairable vehicles,tyres (only in some cases, not all of them) 21. Desease and antibiotics? 22. Flint-firestarter 23. Deadfast name recognition system(addon)-its showing names on close-5m or so range. 24. Guard/attack dog script 25. Wandering infected in random areas-woods too(light,noise attracts them) 26. Human bones. 27. Zombies can throw you off the bike/motobike. 28. Throwable rock/stone attracts zombies. 29. Starting without handgun? Already sugested by somebody> -Molotov -Walkie talkie (currently you can hear whole chernarus) -Vehicles persistent in camp area(already there i think) -Bicycles (maybe they are already there) -Flashlights/batteries,headlamps -Melee, low efficiency on dead (crowbar,axe,pipe,weaponbutt,knive etc.) -Bolts stacking (boltbag) -Writebook-journal for notes. Lootable from dead body -Fatique (affecting also bicycle performance) -Sidearm holstering script -Sleepingbag/blanket/bivouac/firecamp health bonuses Lastly, thx for this nice mod, im enjoyin it.
  7. marlboro9

    More vehicles

    Still there are bandits out there and zombies can surprise you at stop..so when you die, youll lost it.