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Sven BoeitNi

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Everything posted by Sven BoeitNi

  1. Sven BoeitNi

    Experimental Update 1.08

    When will the V3S trucks and other big cars & trucks be added back to the game for console then? I really miss that in comparison to pc.
  2. Sven BoeitNi

    Stable Update 1.07

    I forgot to mention another exploit that i hope gets fixed soon being: the car parts stacking over a base fence glitch. Hardly any point in building if they can just hop over with car parts when your not online..
  3. Sven BoeitNi

    Stable Update 1.07

    I like to play this game but still it needs a lot of work its not stable yet at all. I still experience a lot of game crashes 2 at least daily especially in my private rented server on xbox one (ex: crashed many cars with loot this way which sucks) on other moments just basic lagging (ex: that when driving a car it starts to -harry potter- flying around sometimes under the map then after the spike ends it resumes its position on the road) and serious fps drops near city's, also some random items get stuck in car inventory and can not be picked up again unless server reboot. Sometimes when a player picks up something its still on the ground for the other player but can not pick the same item up, or when i try to give something to the an other player it is not allways visible (need to leave game and rejoin to fix this works almost allways). Issue when opening a barbed wired fence it makes you bleed if you walk through it when the doorway is clear and the gate fully opened (invisible barbed wire server not tracking?) I hope this input works to hopefully fix these (anoying) issues in a coming update 1.08 to the console version. Ps: would be fun if a bus or truck could be driven also since there is a truck battery in the game. =)