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Everything posted by gimmeurlard

  1. gimmeurlard

    Night vision scope

    Done with 1.14 👌🏻waiting for stable to test it
  2. gimmeurlard

    Heli-Crash on vanilla servers: tips on how to find them?

    On vanilla 3 heli crashes spawning kind of random at the given spawn points around the map. Don't think there's any tip... I'm finding one almost every time around/between NWAF and Tisy. Just know the spawns or have the map next to you
  3. gimmeurlard

    Building Bases - Collision Changes?

    Sorry to say that but it's even worse than it was in 1.11
  4. gimmeurlard

    Watchtower building behaviour

    Does anyone know since when it's not longer possible to build a watchtower if the open/stairside is facing a wall? Building was "OK" so far some time ago imo. But it's getting a little worse every update without even getting mentioned in the Patchnotes... https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160090
  5. gimmeurlard

    Watchtower building behaviour

    I know bro. But mods are not a reason to not implement at least a rudimentary working base building mechanic Also there's more than enough people playing without mods or on console.
  6. gimmeurlard

    Console Update 1.13

    Infected got a hit range which let me think about Mr Fantastic... Also getting really bad headaches from this fever blur vision. Thought I got accomodation issues with my eyes before I realised it's the influenza ingame
  7. gimmeurlard

    Burst mode

    I think the burst mode should work like in RL in terms of triggering. Can't see any positive in a burst mode if I have to hold the shoot button instead of a single tap for one burst. With this in mind imo it's way more reliable to just stay in full auto and burst a few shots by myself. Loving the fact that DayZ is evolving more and more. Keep up the great work 👍🏻
  8. gimmeurlard

    Burst mode

    I thought more about other weapons. Just learned that the SGK5 is the only one which gets the burst mode too 👍🏻 that's fine But none the less maybe you're considering to make it tap to burst instead of hold to burst Isn't the M16A2 tapping the trigger once and you get 3 shots?
  9. gimmeurlard

    New melee ruined it for me

    Agree 100% with the gardening. No one is planting crops anymore
  10. gimmeurlard

    Medium tent placement

    Please make it possible again to place medium tents on the ground under watchtowers. You could place it there a few updates ago and it gave some good possibilities for base building. Please bring this back 🤞🏻
  11. gimmeurlard

    Placing of fences and watchtowers

    You can't properly block windows in buildings, cant build where's like a 1 degree gradient, can't build where's furniture around, can't build where's other fences in front or in the back. It's really annoying to build a base. It's more of a pain in the a** than having fun if you have to build like 5 zig-zag fences instead of 1 because there's a rock on the ground eg Something like a build anywhere mod should be part of the vanilla game imo.
  12. gimmeurlard

    Add stick settings on controller

    I am experiencing and played with a lot of people on PS4 who are experiencing stick drift on controller. Almost any controller I have ever bought had this issue. Some less, some more. For some reason this is way worse in DayZ compared to other games. For example moving to one direction or looking up in the sky without even touching the controller. So it would be nice to have a controller setting for stick deadzones like it's implemented in a lot of other multiplayer games.
  13. gimmeurlard

    Add stick settings on controller

    I think this is bc of the cheap sticks on controllers. I bought like 10 controllers over the years and would guess like 7 or 8 of them had this issue right after using them the first time. Almost everyone I know who plays on PlayStation has or at least once had this issue
  14. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    It would be nice to use free look when sitting in a car. It's a quality of life feature when walking and also would be one in a car.
  15. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I'm talking about the "free look" you get when holding L1
  16. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    Could you do me a favor and make a clip of this? I'm complaining about this since PS release. Never worked for me
  17. gimmeurlard

    Improve and Simplify Console Free-Look

    Good suggestion 👍🏻
  18. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    Tried it again just to make sure bc I thought maybe it's only not working for the driver. Tried all seats... Free look is definitely not working in cars on PS
  19. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    @DayzDayzFanboy I can't on PS. Double tap to zoom is working, but free look is not
  20. gimmeurlard

    Free look in cars (PlayStation)

    Sorry, forgot to mention I'm talking about console. There it's not possible
  21. gimmeurlard

    Console Update 1.09

    @ImpulZ not fixed. Loving the new interior and exterior variants ❤️ Good Update 👍
  22. gimmeurlard

    Wooden crate

    That's a very good suggestion imo
  23. gimmeurlard

    Fireplace stopped working | PS4 1.07 (1.15)

    Are you talking about a fire barrel? If so try to fill your water bottle on it until there's no more water in it
  24. gimmeurlard

    Console Update 1.07

    Here's a post from a reddit mod that describes why you are not able to find an assault rifle/tent
  25. Moin Freunde des gepflegten Überlebens, wie unser Name schon sagt, wollen wir uns von der Masse abheben und nicht den 0815-Server bieten. Nein! Wir bieten mehr! Mit Events, Kopfgeldern und Token-Belohnungssystem können wir schon mal das Ein oder Andere bieten aber natürlich haben wir auch den Server für euch optimal angepasst. Wir wollen euch sowohl PvE als auch großen PvP Spielspaß bieten! Der Server wurde so eingestellt, dass man sich keinen Kopf machen muss ob man noch was findet - denn es wird immer genug Loot da sein! Helicrashes sind random auf der ganzen Karte. Sowie AC130 Crashes sind ebenfalls auf dem Airfield vorhanden! Wir garantieren DIR eine menge Spielspaß, der auf Dauer anhalten wird! Für die PvP-Begeisterten haben wir eine nette Community, die alles gelassen nimmt und nicht direkt rumheult sowie einen Killfeed! Hört sich gut an? Na dann komm auf unseren Discord, dort erfährst du alles Weitere! Wir warten schon auf dich! https://discord.gg/zJ5PSmG