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Aidan The Enforcer

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About Aidan The Enforcer

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  1. Aidan The Enforcer


    Where do i down vote for this.
  2. Aidan The Enforcer

    Teleporting Hack

    Can't pull lot to match what ive stated???
  3. Aidan The Enforcer

    Teleporting Hack

    I am on US 1979 (v. 96751) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-10] dayzmod.com - hosted by badasswankers.com I was killed three times by hackers in about a 10 minute spread. 1 @ ~09:50PM EST - Group of two players teleported me to them on top of triple yellow in Cherno, the Eastern most section of the tower after they couldn't hit me running north with their M107's. 2 @ ~09:45PM EST - Single player suddenly appeared after i traveled across the damn from east to west of Topoka Damn, User was in a guile suite with what i believe to have been a M4A3 CCO SD, but could have been anything that has full auto capable, and using stanag or another round that takes 3+ shots to kill a player and was silenced. 3 @ ~09:35PM EST - Player appeared out of no where in from of me and lays down, and then tells me how they have to kill me because I am a bandit, then proceeded to shoot me with a crossbow to the face. My name was Medic-AidanTheEnforcer.
  4. Aidan The Enforcer

    Teleporting Hack

    I am on US 1979 (v. 96751) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-10] dayzmod.com - hosted by badasswankers.com I was killed three times by hackers in about a 10 minute spread. 1 @ ~09:50PM EST - Group of two players teleported me to them on top of triple yellow in Cherno, the Eastern most section of the tower after they couldn't hit me running north with their M107's. 2 @ ~09:45PM EST - Single player suddenly appeared after i traveled across the damn from east to west of Topoka Damn, User was in a guile suite with what i believe to have been a M4A3 CCO SD, but could have been anything that has full auto capable, and using stanag or another round that takes 3+ shots to kill a player and was silenced. 3 @ ~09:35PM EST - Player appeared out of no where in from of me and lays down, and then tells me how they have to kill me because I am a bandit, then proceeded to shoot me with a crossbow to the face. My name was Medic-AidanTheEnforcer.
  5. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    I would be interested to receive input regarding how you would go about with this so that i can take the different perspectives and see if i can assemble a more perfect plan then what i could compile on my own. I want this to be a group or community project.
  6. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

  7. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    I understand the doubt' date=' but in order to do something great you have to think big. In order for a single person to manage everything i believe it would have to have military like structure. I would suggest that two to three people would be in charge for a rotation of personnel so our lives are not dedicated to this full time. I would also suggest the same for each of the sub tasks such as a set of "Captains" to manager local security, set of "Captains" for the organization of equipment collection, and a set of "captains" for the tasking of product organization into the proper tent organized, food, ammo, handguns, rifles, medical, ect... to which there would be small groups that would answer to the "captains" that in turn would answer to the "Commanders" or something. [/quote'] People will always put down an idea. I don't think it would surprise you to hear that it will be incredibly difficult to begin, and practically impossible to maintain. But then again, what city has ever been infinite and without trouble? I think it's worth trying. Day Z is quick becoming a game of fast looting, fast shooting, fast reloading. It rather defeats the feel of a survival mode simulation... what we need, is a project. Goals. Once the original plan is completed, IF the original plan is completed then this opens the door to many things. But i would say before the entertainment factory is created, first secure the the goal. Then IF we can accomplish this we could expand to other items or maybe even looking to securing another location. North West Air Field come to mind for similar reasoning as Cherno, but the limited tactical options limit my encouragement of securing that location. Now let me be clear i'm not looking to eliminate the PVP aspect of the game, that i believe whole heartily is a crucial park of this game. but i want to secure a corner of the world to attempt my vision of leveling the game in favor of the new players so they have a chance of surviving.
  8. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    I understand we will have issues with personnel' date=' but there is a general idea that violence is generally driven by want. now this is a game so i will add the element that a game can become very out of balance. I feel some of the recent changes have caused this by accident. In the developers attempt to increase the sense of fear, confusion, and other stressful elements it has encouraged experienced, or seasoned players to hold up in cities where by they kill the noobs, or even the average player just looking for supplies. with no side chat new players cant get direction as we have become accustomed to in other games, but this also leaves out the ability to warn new players of some one in Cherno or Electro that is killing players left and right just for the sake of killing. So i'm now going to roll this into the zombie span comment. i will encourage every one to be armed, as i'm an american i i believe the same here. the only way for true protection is to be able to protect your self. so even with zombies spawning everyone in the core of the city would be capable of eliminating the problem, and we would have the food, medical supplies, weapons and ammo to remove the fear of the Z in Cherno center. To completely secure the city would require 100's of players acting as security alone. that is why i'm hoping that where by adding free unlimited supplies it would encourage not just our security force to secure the are but the average survivor as well. You see i believe and hope that where by you give people someplace to get what they need after a bad day in the wastelands they will fight to help secure their own security. TO be honest in my original draft of this plan i thought to require the removal of all weapons as you entered the city.and have it be a Survivor gun free zone but that seemed to encourage what everyone is pointing out over and over, bandit spawning in the city and zombies. Plus it goes against my personal beliefs, that why i would propose the opposite. I have no problem with the casual player hopping from another server into out Cherno for supplies. But i am looking to arm all of Cherno, and an armed cherno is much safer and easier to defend then relying on just our personnel. If things become bad enough the security force would have first dibs at certain weapons and ammo and what ever is determined to be excess would be freely available for distribution to the average survivor if things get bad. I'm reluctant to make that move as it would increase the lethality of a single player but maybe by being surrounded by such it would help keep it in check. But I'm also thinking as players move to our server and look for equipment any excess equipment i would encourage to donate to the project to be re issues to the survivors where by making the collection of equipment easier.
  9. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    I understand the doubt, but in order to do something great you have to think big. In order for a single person to manage everything i believe it would have to have military like structure. I would suggest that two to three people would be in charge for a rotation of personnel so our lives are not dedicated to this full time. I would also suggest the same for each of the sub tasks such as a set of "Captains" to manager local security, set of "Captains" for the organization of equipment collection, and a set of "captains" for the tasking of product organization into the proper tent organized, food, ammo, handguns, rifles, medical, ect... to which there would be small groups that would answer to the "captains" that in turn would answer to the "Commanders" or something.
  10. Aidan The Enforcer

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    For the time being at least the next few days im going to let this roll and see what the over all response is. Like i said i was just an idea that me and another team mate drafted together. We to estimated roughly a 50 man crew there for requiring a large slot server. Zombie patrols would be covered by the snipers as well as men on the ground, as a few have already mentioned i believe we would have largely positive security force. IF you feed and protect they will help. If choppers are reintroduces then we could drop troops on the international hotel for more coverage of the dock area. I honestly believe it would be done. I sure know it wont be easy, but i believe a positive project like this could bring a more productive aspect to what is dreamed of in every zombie move... Food, shelter, Protection and more importantly HOPE. I like Cherno one because it's seen as a hell hole, a place to die for the average player, and a place to hunt for the bandit. SO turning it into the beacon of safety and security for the average encourages me. But furthermore if has a larger central clearing surrounded by tall buildings offering great observation points over the central city and the outer areas. I got the idea as it was only about 3 hours before i ran into a server where the entire city of Cherno was cut off from the outside of the city with multiple layers of barricaded as you entered the city. and in the center of the square was a single tent someone had placed. To be honest this is the founding of my vision.
  11. I was speaking with a friend yesterday and we had a glowing idea of hope. We would like to establish a Cherno as a safety zone. We realize it would require large resources, and numerous players but here is the idea: Phase 1: Establish, Recruit, Unify, Collect, and Fortify. 1. Establish a server as "The Safe Zone" 2. Recruit the necessary personnel to cover Cherno. 3. As a group we set aside our own fears of death and become concerned of three things; The project, the Survivors we will be protecting, and the others in the project. 4. Collect vehicles to act as our product transportation system, then collect the resources needed for Phase 1. 4. Fortify the City using tank traps, sand bags and barbed wire. At this moment Cherno could be declared secure with the completion of Phase 1. Phase 2:Establish, Scout, Collect, Personnel Defense, and Access. 1. Establish a tent city in the park in Cherno to house the supplies. A strict policy of limiting access to high end weapons collected by the project members from falling into general users hands. 2. Send out fast light vehicles to scout cities and towns and call back if they are resourceful. If so a convoy of members is sent out to strip the city, and return the resources to Cherno. 3. Establish the first line of defense where by snipers with their favorite weapon sit on city heights as an over watch both internal and external of Zombie and Players as needed. 4. Create channels in the defense system to place stationed guards to allow loot collected to funnel into the city and survivors for supplies. I would suggest a North, South , East, and West access for survivors, but only a North, East, And West for convoys. IF the project seems to struggle the strict policy of no survivors receiving high end weapons from us could be dropped, i'm suggesting it at first as a way to keep bandits from coming in and then letting loose in the city. The idea is to change the attitude of "There is always someone in Cherno" from one of fear and concern into one of hope. I know it is ambitious but i believe on a server with enough slots it could be completed and successful if people would be willing to commit them selves. Anyone interested in the Project is welcome to add me to Skype: AidanTheEnforcer. Just add a comment in your request saying Cherno. I'm also planning on doing some recordings and putting the on YouTube, again my name there is AidanTheEnforcer.
  12. Aidan The Enforcer

    Improving the respawn system

    I don't care for the death timer, i feel it's bad enough that i died and lost my loot. as mentioned i feel it would deter new players and ones having a bad luck streak to move else where. i know when i started i got pissed just dying. If i had to wait other then the load times i would have moved on in the beginning.